Iraq: iniziative dei pacifisti americani (UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE)

Commemorate SEVEN Years of War and Occupation in Iraq

Take action in your community and in the nation's capitol!

March 19, 2010 marks the end of seven years of war and occupation in Iraq. After a year of Democratic control of the House, Senate and White House the Obama Administration and Congress are wavering in their commitment to withdraw troops from Iraq. The Administration has escalated the war in Afghanistan and extended military operations into Pakistan.  Despite its lofty nuclear disarmament rhetoric, the Administration has asked for the largest nuclear weapons budget ever. This is not what we worked for.  It is not what we bargained for.  It is not what we voted for.  But it is the reality of our world today.  So in honor of Howard Zinn and his unwavering commitment to action, UFPJ is calling on this great network of peace and justice groups to take action demanding an end to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan during the 7th commemoration of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.  

Commemorate the Iraq War Through Action: 

  1. Call President Obama at the White House.  Read him the names of the people who have died this year in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Demand he bring the troops home now.  Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414
  2. Organize or attend a protest, vigil, march or rally in your community, add it to our online calendar. 
  1. Write a Letter to Your Editor about the cost of war and the impact on your community. Check out the National Priorities Project It's a great resource on the cost of the wars to our communities.
  1. Participate in or start a Brown Bag Vigil to gather on the third Wednesday of every month in front of-and inside-Congressional offices in districts across the country and in DC. Or call: (202) 224-3121. Find your Rep here: Let them know that you are opposed to the President's request for a $33 billion Supplemental to fund the accelerating war in Afghanistan.

  2. Travel to the Washington DC for a week of protests to end the war.  There are many ways to take action: Cindy Sheehan's Piece of the Action initiative, a mass mobilization A.N.S.W.E.R. march on Sat. March 20 and other activities on the Washington Peace Center's website. Stay over to March 21and participate in the immigration reform demonstration March for America.

Every day another mother awaits a knock on her door, or a young person who needs a job decides to become a recruit.  Each day female soldiers must defend themselves from sexual assault and gay troops must keep it a secret. Each day young soldiers risk their lives for lies, oil and corporations in the name of freedom. Yet the Patriot Act has now been extended and Guantanamo is still open.  Our cities continue to deteriorate, the jobless rate is soaring and the changes in our climate can no longer be denied. Untold numbers of civilian Iraqis, Afghans and Pakistanis have lost their lives and continue to die as a result of these occupations and wars.

President Obama is not moving us in the right direction, so we must keep the pressure on whether it is a phone call, a protest, a march, a letter to the editor or making a donation.  Whatever you do, do something.

United for Peace and Justice, founded in 2002, continues to serve as a network of hundreds of peace and justice organizations around the country committed to ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, abolishing nuclear weapons, and redirecting military spending to fund jobs, health care, housing, education, and a clean energy economy built with green, union jobs.

UFPJ is coordinated by volunteers and relies on your tax-deductible donations to continue our work.  Please make a donation today for peace with justice!



Help us continue to do this critical work: Make a donation to UFPJ today.

PO Box 607; Times Square Station; New York, NY 10108

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