3 great new pieces on PTT

Today we have three extremely strong new posts:
The first is by one of our partners in Gaza, Ayman Nijim, who presents his doubts about the Palestinian election(s), since it still is not clear what kind of scenario is being prospected:
Hamas has not selected that slogan (Change and Reform) in its first election randomly, but because of the bad bureaucracy in the PA institutions, the lack of a Palestinian comprehensive national project, and even the absence of a comprehensive military leadership among the Palestinian factions; Hamas strived to change the deeply bureaucratic political system, repair what can be repaired, and then reform to the Best.

All of these aspirations of the Islamist movement have not been achieved because of the international community's strict measures against allowing them to govern and make relations with the international community. Hamas was ignored by the international community: the result was that the Gazan people became prisoners, living in the widest open-air jail in the world.

This jail was transformed to a laboratory for the Israeli troops who tested the most destructive weapons on the people of Gaza without restraint of humanity.

If the world doesn't understand the fact of life in the Gaza Strip, and deal with the outcomes of the elections as it will be, the situation will go from bad to worse, and no one can halt the waves of extremism in the Middle East, or the waves of the frustration wrapped on the people of Gaza. Gazans need actions on the ground to make them alive as the people of the world; they can't comprehend a life with no tangible actions.

Jeff Gates brilliantly analyses the "transition from the Cold War to a perpetual Global War on Terrorism."
With lawmaking dependent on information, those skilled at the manipulation of knowledge can operate atop the chain of command. As a system of law reliant on informed choice, democracy can be dislodged in plain sight by those skilled at inducing a shared mindset-a consensus-by manipulating thought, belief and emotion.

Thus the strategic motivation for media dominance by the Masters of Deceit in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K., Germany, India and other key nations that comprise the "coalition of the willing" induced to invade Iraq. Overlay media ownership with member states of this coalition and a common undisclosed bias becomes apparent.

When coordinated across four key areas, such "Information Operations" can displace informed decision-making with an undisclosed agenda. In retrospect, that systemic duplicity explains how the U.S. was deceived to lead this coalition to war in the Middle East. Here's a brief look at each area: geopolitical, strategic, operational and tactical.

Our regular contributor Sami Jamil Jadallah expresses his views on the tragic Fort Hood Massacre. He was born in the same Palestinian village where Hasan's parents come from, and like Hasan, served in the US Army. His point of view is worth reading.
If we kill a gentile who had sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments… there is nothing wrong with the murder,” Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira head of the Od Yosef Yeshiva in the illegal Jewish settlement of Yitzhak was quoted in the Israeli newspaper Maariv. Rabbi Shapira (no doubt an American Jew) recently published a new book “King’s Torah”, a manifesto of 230 pages on ways and means to kill gentiles according to Jewish laws.

Nothing will make Senator/Rabbi Joseph Lieberman and many of the leadership of the American Jewish community, leading Christian Zionists and NeoCons more happy than to hang on any flimsy uncorroborated evidence that Major Nidal Malik Hasan is an “Islamist terrorist” with active connections to Al Qaeda. Joining Senator/Rabbi Lieberman with this wish is a large number of Congressmen who already asked CIA director Leon Panetta and National Intelligence chief Dennis Blair to “preserve” all documents and intelligence files related to Hasan. This tragic event will be a bonanza for American Jewish organizations, Evangelical Zionist Christians, certainly to the many so-called experts on terrorism, most of whom are anti-Muslims to begin with. Of course Rabbi/Senator Lieberman chose to ignore the new “fatwa/edict” issued by a fellow Rabbi, chose to ignore the fact that traitors and spies for Israel are fellow Jews, and is looking for ways to prove that Muslims are born killers and murderers.
