9 Ways to Take Action on the 3rd Anniversary of the War

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Have you made plans yet to mark the third anniversary of the Iraq War?

From time to time, our movement gathers in mass mobilizations (as we will
29 in New York City). As dramatic and inspiring as those events are, the
heart and soul of the peace movement is community-based, local work, which
is why United for Peace and Justice has called for nationally coordinated
local actions on the third anniversary of the Iraq War.

On the
anniversary of the Iraq war, events were held in at least 319 communities
nationwide. Last year, for the
anniversary, that number more than doubled, with at least 765 communities
throughout the United States hosting peace events. This year, the third
anniversary of the Iraq War, is a crucial opportunity to deepen and broaden
that grassroots work still further … and make this the last anniversary of
this war that never should have happened.

It's not too late to organize something -- or to expand your existing
plans. Below is a list of ideas for activities you can undertake locally to
mark the third anniversary of the war from March 15-22.

Many activities are already being planned, from the
and Survivors March for Peace and Justice From Mobile to New Orleans to
"Mourning to Resistance" vigil and peace ceremony to the
Priorities human chain protest in Boise, Idaho. Visit
third anniversary calendar to find out what's in the works for your city or
town -- and be sure to
any event you know about, however large or small, so we can have a full
tally of the remarkable work being done nationwide, and to get the word out
about your activities to potential participants and to the media.

If you're not already part of a local anti-war group, now's a great time to
join one -- check out our
directory of peace and justice organizations. There are also many ways you
can take action as an individual.

We'll be posting additional suggestions for action and organizing resources
on our website in the days to come, so be sure to check
for more ideas.

1) Plan a day or weekend of intensive antiwar visibility.

Organize a tabling, leafleting or postering presence in a location that has
a lot of pedestrian traffic, someplace you can have direct contact with
people. Be sure to bring a sign-up sheet to gather email addresses of
people who would like to get more involved (if you're not part of a local
group, send the addresses to us at
<mailto:info at unitedforpeace.org>info at unitedforpeace.org and we'll add them
to this action alert list).
Hang a banner over the side of an overpass of a busy highway, ideally
during the morning or afternoon rush hour in order to maximize your
Display "End the War" lawn signs all over your community
here to order).
2) Plan a vigil, picket, or protest in front of the district office of your
Senator and/or Representative to Congress.

Monday, March 20, has been designated as a nationally coordinated day of
legislative action. It's not mandatory that you hold your event on this
day, but doing so will help amplify the power of your action.
Visit our
action page for details on current war-related legislation and tips on how
to approach your Senator or Representative.
a scorecard in Excel spreadsheet format showing how your legislator has
voted on the war.
If your member of Congress has been especially strong in their support of
the war, you might consider
a non-violent civil disobedience action at their office.
3) Place an anti-war advertisement in your local newspaper during the week
of March 15-22.
here for a comprehensive guide on placing your ad, plus suggested text.

4) Speak out against the war in your local media.
On Friday, March 17, UFPJ is calling for a coordinated grassroots effort to
bring the often-silenced voice of the anti-war majority into the mainstream
media all around the country. Organize people to make calls to radio talk
shows and discuss your opposition to the war, or send letters to the editor
of your local paper for publication on this day.

5) Plan a community meeting or forum that addresses the local costs of the war.
Invite speakers who can address how your community's tax dollars are being
drained for the war effort, as well as the loss of first responders and
other people in your community who have been sent to Iraq. (For data on
your community, visit the website of the
Priorities Project.) Be sure to invite the local media to cover this event.

6) Ask religious leaders in your community to deliver sermons on the
weekend of March 17-19 with an anti-war message.
See if the social action programs at your local religious institutions can
invite a speaker during the week of March 15-22. Iraq veterans, military
families and veterans of other wars are often very powerful speakers. To
find out more about how to invite someone to speak, contact
Families Speak Out,
for Peace,
Star Families for Peace, or
Veterans Against the War.

7) Launch a local "Cities for Peace" campaign.
Add your community to the growing list of cities and towns nationwide which
have passed resolutions against the war. The week of the third anniversary
would be a great time to have a resolution introduced or voted on in your
community. Visit the
for Peace website for much more information.

8) Pass an anti-war resolution in your union local, PTA chapter, or other
For information about resolutions that have already been passed in union
locals around the country, visit the
Labor Against the War website.

9) Ask for a meeting with the editors of your newspaper, TV or radio stations.
Tell them you want to discuss their coverage of the war in Iraq, as well as
coverage of your anti-war activities.

Visit the merchandise section of UFPJ's website today to
buttons, posters, stickers and other materials you can use as part of your
third anniversary activities. The proceeds from these purchases will
support our ongoing work to bring all the troops home and end this horrific

Let us know how UFPJ can help your efforts, and be sure to
your activities on the UFPJ calendar.

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