Letter Directly from Cindy Sheehan

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Letter from Cindy Sheehan

Sept. 7, 2005


Dear Friends and Supporters of Peace,

On August 31st, we closed down Camp Casey on the outskirts of President
Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. In the three and a half weeks that we were
in Crawford, thousands of people passed through - some for just a few hours
and some for days or weeks. Throughout the country, hundreds of thousands
of people responded to my vigil, calling on the President to meet with me
and, just as importantly, adding their voices to the growing cry for an end
to the war in Iraq.

The horrific events that have unfolded in New Orleans and other parts of
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, in the wake of the deadly hurricane
Katrina are stark reminders of just how lop-sided our nation's priorities
are. Resources that could have been used to save lives are instead tied up
in a war that continues to kill Iraqis and U.S. servicepeople. Our nation
is at a crossroads: will we continue to squander resources and take lives
in a war that never should have happened, or will we commit ourselves to
the re-building of the Gulf Coast and the lives torn asunder by Katrina? It
is clear that both cannot happen at the same time, and in this context our
urgent call to end the war in Iraq must be as clear and strong as ever.

The same day Camp Casey closed two important initiatives were launched.
Gold Star Families for Peace kicked off a campaign to hold Congress
accountable for taking us into war, and also for ending this war. I sent a
letter to every member of Congress - all 435 representatives and 100
senators - asking the same questions I've been asking President Bush. At
the same time, <http://www.bringthemhomenowtour.org>three buses left Camp
Casey to head North, East and South carrying members of Gold Star Families
for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War and
Veterans for Peace <http://www.bringthemhomenowtour.org>to dozens of
cities. The buses will converge on Washington, DC September 21, just days
before the national anti-war protest being organized for the weekend of
September 24-26. In addition to community forums and other events, on the
road we will visit members of Congress asking for a meeting and answers to
my questions. You can join this campaign as the buses pass through your
community, or <http://www.meetwiththemothers.org>become a part of a
delegation being organized in your Congressional district.

In case you have not already made plans to be there, I want to encourage
you to join me in Washington, DC that weekend.
<http://www.unitedforpeace.org/septmobe>I'll be marching on Saturday,
September 24 with United for Peace and Justice, and later that same day
will be speaking at the "Operation Ceasefire" free concert at the
Washington Monument.

You know as well as I do that the majority of the people of this country
oppose the war. As we talk to people from every part of the country, it is
clear that the time is right for this demonstration in the nation's
capital. You do not want to miss this crucial event - it's looking like the
September 24-26 weekend will be the largest gathering so far of the
movement to end the war in Iraq. It will also be the first opportunity
since Katrina hit our shores to raise our voices in a call for new

Most importantly, I urge you to come to Washington on September 24, to tell
President Bush and Congress in the strongest possible way that it's time to
bring the troops home. But don't come alone - bring your friends and
family, bring your co-workers, your classmates, your neighbors. Visit the
<http://www.unitedforpeace.org>United for Peace and Justice website for
details about the day's events, and for information about the interfaith
service, grassroots lobby day, and nonviolent civil disobedience action at
the White House being planned for September 25 and 26.

And your help is needed in another way. To reach the potential of what will
be a history-making event, United for Peace and Justice needs your
financial support. <http://www.unitedforpeace.org/donate>Please take a
moment right now to make the largest donation possible. I know that many of
you have given and will continue to give to Katrina relief efforts, and
it's important that we each do what we can to help out. But hopefully you
also understand how important it is to lend your financial support to the
Sept. 24-26 Mobilization.

I want to thank all of you who gave so much to support my efforts while I
was in Texas. Now, as we all move into the next phase of our efforts to end
the war in Iraq, I look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC on
September 24.

Your friend,
Cindy Sheehan


3 Days of Peace & Justice Actions
in Washington, D.C.

September 24-26, 2005

Visit our website today to download leaflets, endorse the mobilization, and
learn more about the plans for this powerful weekend of action.


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