The 'Good Samaritan' Connection and other stories

The Cat's Dream NewsLetter

The 'Good Samaritan' Connection
World Bank, IMF, WTO, World Economic Forum and G8 in their own (angelic) words.

Nobel Peace Prize for Sir Geldof? Why Not?
Manufacturing consent has never been so easy.

A Fascist Fart
Italy. Home Sweet Home!

Howard Zinn on a fascinating topic: 'THEY AND WE'
>From the new book "American Voices of Dissent". Peace, War, Justice and
>much more!

"There's always been a "they and we" in the United States. We pretend that
that isn't so. In the United States, we pretend that there are no classes.
We pretend that there's just one interest that covers us all. We pretend to
a common interest. We use words, phrases like "the national interest,"
"national security," "national defence" as if we all have the same national
interest, we all have the same security. No, we always, in this country,
from the very founding of this nation, even before the founding of this
nation, always had differences of interest. There's always been a
slave-owning class, a merchant class, an industrial class, and there's
always been a wage-earner class, a slave class, a servant class -- and
American history is full of class conflict. Now, the textbooks in American
history don't want to talk about that, but we've always had conflict, right
from the beginning. I mean, the American Constitution was founded in order
to control class conflict. The founding fathers, James Madison and . . .
they said this very explicitly. They want . . . They need to control the
conflict that occurs between people who own property and people who don't
own property. So, from the beginning, we've always had classes, we've
always had class conflict. And so, there's always been a "they." The "they"
consists of the political leaders of the country who are in close
connection with the business interests of the country, the corporate
interests, who are in close connection with the military. You will see the
same people going back and forth from the government to the military to the
corporations. People leave the government and they take jobs in big
corporations. People are retired generals and they're immediately given
jobs as CEOs of major companies that will then do business with the
Pentagon. . . . So, there's a very close connection there . . . between
these three groups -- the political, the military, the corporate. And,
that's the "they." Now the "we" is everybody else. The "we" is 95 percent
of the American people, or maybe 99 percent of the American people. But the
. . . the people . . . don't benefit from this control of the wealth, and
this control of the government by this small elite."

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