
ricevo ed inoltro da Logan di Operazione Colomba:

Carissmi, e' giunto il vostro momento.

Senza voi in Italia il lavoro nostro qua vale mezzo, quindi vi prego di leggre le riche sottostanti e di aiutare il nostro lavoro a Suseya (vicino a dove ho dormito nella grotta). La petizione sottostante in inglese riguarda anche il gruppo di pastori con i quali vivaimo noi.
Questo Mercoledi l Alta Corte di Israele affrontera la seguente questione:
possono gli abitanti di questa terra rimanere a vivere dove hanno sempre vissuto oppure ha ragiuone l esercito che chiede di spostarli a forza per fare sul luofgo in cui sono un campo di addestramento militare?

E' possibile, senza la vostra adesione alla petizione, che questo Mercoledi 8 settembre i pastori con cui vivaimo e quindi anche noi vengano cacciati a forza dall esercito. Vi chiedo di aderire SUBITO alla petizione informatica e di girarlo alamneo ad un altro amico. La petizione e' sottoscrivibile al seguente indirizzo

Come vedrete dal testo la petizione e' promossa da diverse associaizoni per i diritti umani israeliane.
Grazie di cuore
salam shalom
Appello Urgente da Isarele / Territori Occupati Plaestinesi

We very much need each and every one ! of you to sign the petition

appearing below and  send letters to the list of decision makers also
appearing below before the High Court hearing on Wednesday, September
8th, regarding the cave dwellers of Susya and surroundings.  (To remind
you, there are two parallel High Court cases dealing with two separate
attempts to expell cave dwellers from different cave communities.  The
government will be asking that the court rescind their order which
returned the expelled cave dwellers to their homes, while we argue that
the government is exploiting the Court decision (which spok     e of
preserving a "status quo" ) to make life impossible for the residents of
the caves.  They are not even allowed to rebuild/repair the caves and
other structures damaged by Israeli security forces during the expulsion, while new outposts dot the landscape, Itamar Cohen and hi! s friends have taken over the village of Gawaweis and are livin g in one of the homes and
the settlement of Sussya is growing crops on land which the defense
establishment itself ruled to be private Palestinian land.

Please demand that the government withdraw all objections to the Court's
restraining order and allow the development of the infrastructure
necessary for the cave dwellers to live in dignity.  The petition and
background information below can help you in terms of what to write.
However, please keep in mind that phone calls are most effective,
followed by original faxes, followed by original emails. Please make your
communications firm and clear, but polite.

Please sign on the petition by clicking:

Also please let us know if you can come to the court on Wednesday or are
interested in expressing solidarity in any other way.

* Bat Shalo! m * Coalition of Women for Peace * Fifth Mother * Gush Shalom * HaCampus Lo Shotek [Campus Speaks Out] * Israel Committee Against House Demolitions * MachsomWatch * New Profile * Noga Feminist Journal * Public Committee Against Torture in Israel * Rabbis for Human Rights * Ta'ayush:
Arab-Jewish Partnership * The Other Israel peace movement newsletter *
Women in Black (Israel) * Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom (Israel Section)