an IRIN request

ANB-BIA - Av. Charles Woeste 184 - 1090 Bruxelles - Belgique
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WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 11-13-2003 -  An IRIN request

Brussels 13 November 2003

Please find below an information sent by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) - Section Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN)

Paolo Costantini

IRIN has two posts available and would appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with interested applicants.

1)  Focal Point, Information Analysis
IRIN is working to move beyond news reporting to include more in-depth analysis of important humanitarian issues. This is being done through the increased production of thematic/global stories, special reports, features and web specials. The Nairobi-based Focal Point for Information Analysis provides IRIN’s regional desks in sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia with the guidance, advice and materials needed to boost their output of analytical and feature-type reporting, and also contributes directly by researching and writing his/her own articles. This is the second call for CVs, please do not resubmit a CV if you have already done so.

2)  RADIO NEWS EDITOR/TRAINER, Kabul Afghanistan
IRIN Radio is looking for a radio news editor and trainer to assist in local capacity building through training and production of joint broadcast packages with local radio stations throughout Afghanistan.

The deadline for applying is 1 December 2003.

Both job descriptions were posted to the ReliefWeb vacancies page on 12 November 2003 ( Copies can also be obtained by sending a request to Joanne Clark ­ Joanne at

Thanks you for your assistance,

Pat Banks
IRIN Coordinator
Bridging the Information Gap