Mobilitazione contro Bush negli Usa

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April 23, 2013

Dear Friend,


Join us in our call to #ArrestBush by signing up for our Thunderclap!

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Right now, tens of thousands of people are converging in Dallas, Texas, for the dedication of the Library named for George W. Bush, including President Obama, former presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and George H.W. Bush. Local laws and barricades will keep any dissent miles away from the celebration. Help us raise voices globally to say “Justice is Overdue”. We attempted to say it in the Dallas Morning News after a 30+ page propaganda supplement ran in their Sunday edition, but our ad was rejected. Join CODEPINK, Vets for Peace and the Backbone Campaign’s Thunderclap during the official ceremony to share the ad, celebrate free speech and express your desire to have Justice for All.

We are in the streets of Dallas this week standing against their efforts to keep the Bush celebration unstained by the truth. So far, citations have been delivered to CODEPINK and Veterans for Peace activists while an Iraqi refugee was denied his flight to Dallas.
This week we are launching our "Justice for ALL" campaign, demanding accountability for the crimes of the Bush administration. Raise your voice during this celebration of lies! Join our Thunderclap! Just click on Support with Twitter and Support with Facebook below the tweet. This Thunderclap will automatically send out tweets and/or facebook posts simultaneously for everyone who signs up, timed to coincide with the dedication ceremony for the Bush Center. Let's take over the twitter feeds in a big shout to #ArrestBush!

See you in the streets and the twitterverse!
CODEPINK team in Dallas

P.S. To learn more about our rejected ad and the actions happening in Dallas, check out Jodie's piece in Alternet!