RIVOLTE IN GRECIA dopo l'omicidio di un 15enne da parte della polizia

Allego qui sotto articoli sul fatto.
Come si può vedere, la versione di Indymedia Atene sullo svolgimento
dei fatti è molto diversa da quella riportata dalla stampa ufficiale,
che riporta la versione dei comunicati diramati dalla polizia greca.
E come per Piazza Alimonda a Genova, la polizia dice che il proiettile
è stato deviato...


ATENE - Un 15enne è stato ucciso sabato sera da una pallottola sparata
da un poliziotto, dopo che alcuni ragazzi avevano lanciato bottiglie
incendiarie contro un veicolo della polizia nel quartiere Exarchia di
Atene. Subito dopo essere stato colpito al torace il ragazzo è stato
trasferito d'urgenza in ospedale, ma è stato inutile. Il poliziotto
che ha sparato era dentro un mezzo della polizia, presa di mira da un
gruppo di giovani che lanciavano bottiglie incendiarie. Dopo la
notizia della morte dell'adolescente, un gruppo di anarchici ha
incendiato alcuni bidoni per le immondizie nel quartiere di Exarchia,
dove sono frequenti gli scontri tra poliziotti e contestatori.
SCONTRI IN DIVERSE CITTÀ - Durante la notte ad Atene e in altre
località della Grecia sono continuate le tensioni. Nel quartiere di
Exarchia la polizia ha sparato candelotti lacrimogeni contro centinaia
di giovani che hanno risposto con pietre e oggetti contundenti. Stessa
cosa a Salonicco, la seconda città del paese, dove centinaia di
manifestanti sono scesi in piazza. Dimostrazioni anche a Komotini e a
Ioannina, nel nord della Grecia, oltre che a Hania, sull'isola di
Creta. Il ministro dell'interno Prokopis Pavlopulos si è pubblicamente
scusato per quello che ha definito «un tragico incidente». Pavlopoulos
e il sottosegretario con la delega alla polizia hanno offerto le
proprie dimissioni, che sono però state respinte. Due agenti sono
stati arrestati dopo essere stati interrogati, i responsabili
dell'incidente e il loro comandante sono stati sospesi mentre il
governo ha promesso un'indagine approfondita. Gli scontri sono
continuati in mattinata: ad Atene sono state lanciate bombe
incendiarie contro una banca e ci sono nuovi incidenti con la polizia.
Gli studenti hanno occupato per protesta il Politecnico e altri atenei
di Atene.

In the middle of Athens , there is a pedestrian street full of caffes
and bars that is usually crowded with people. It is well known that
the specific district of athens is one of the most leftish ones, and
is usually full of anarchists.
The past night 2 policemen thought that it was a nice idea to go walk
through that road as a part of their patrol.  As we can all understand
this was a provoking mvement.  There obviously was some swearing
against the police coming from the people that were sitting on those
caffes and the the result was that one of them took out his gun and
shot 3 bullets.  1 of these it a 15yr old boy in the chest at the
point of his heart and he died on the spot.
As soon as the police heard the people shouting that the boy is not
breathing they left the site.  The kid was taken to the hospital but
he was already dead.
The policemen say that they were attacked with stones and molotov
bombs , wich is a lie because as we all know, when we go out for a
drink at a bar we usually do not carry stones or molotovs on us.
the also claim that they did not shoot AT the boy , but that the
bullet was deviated by hitting on a wall or something and it ended up
killing the boy.
We can all understand this cannot be true either.
As i am typing there are riots in the middle of athens , with fires
lit up in the central streets and it is quite possible that this might
lead to the occupation of one of the universities buildings.
We are trying to make this fact as known as possible , because as we
can all understand is one of the most tragical things ever
happened.... being killed while having a beer.
Thank you very much

The unrest began soon after the shooting in the central Exarchia
district, a regular scene of clashes between police and leftist
Youths threw petrol bombs, burned cars and smashed shop windows.
Riots then spread to Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city, to
the northern cities of Komotini and Ioannina, and to Crete.
Two officers have been suspended, and an inquiry is under way.
The BBC's Michael Brabant, in Athens, says that the rioters have set
fire to banks and stores in the city's main shopping district. A
four-storey building has also been torched and many cars destroyed.
Police lured
Greece's anarchists regard the Bohemian quarter of Exarchia as their
fortress and they frequently lure police into ambushes so they can
attack them with rocks and fire bombs, our correspondent says.
As dawn broke over the city, emergency crews were damping down fires
while many of the youths were understood to have retreated to Athens
There are no reports of casualties among the police or rioters.
In a statement, interior minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos expressed the
government's "profound regret" for the shooting of the boy, reported
to be 16-years old.
"An inquiry on the circumstances of the death has already begun and,
if the policemen are found to have been derelict in their duty, the
punishment will be exemplary."
In Athens, police fired tear gas at hundreds of stone-throwing youths,
who went on a rampage as news of the shooting spread.
After a lull of a couple of hours, rioting resumed shortly after
midnight local time (2200 GMT), with some protesters marching through
Athens city centre and others fighting police outside the National
Technical University of Athens, the Associated Press news agency
One British student in Exarchia, whose accommodation is on the road
leading to the university, said the scene was "unbelievable".
"The air is thick with burning fuels, it's very hard to breathe. It
looks like something out of a war film, like Black Hawk Down, and I
say that without over-estimation," Jonathan Recaldin wrote to the BBC
News website.
Although damage was widespread, there were no reports of looting.
Witnesses said that the destruction was not indiscriminate. While
clothing shops and banks were badly damaged, the numerous snack bars
were all left intact.
In Thessaloniki dozens of youths attacked a police precinct, while
others blocked a road near the university campus.
Many cars have been destroyed in the Athens riots
People were being encouraged to join in the protests via some
websites, AP said.
An Interior Ministry press officer told Reuters news agency that Mr
Pavlopoulos had offered his resignation to Prime Minister Costas
Karamanlis, but it had been rejected.
Police issued a statement after the shooting, saying a patrol car with
two officers inside was attacked by about 30 youths throwing stones.
They were attacked again and responded, with one firing a stun grenade
and the other shooting and fatally wounding the boy, AP quoted the
statement as saying.
Correspondents say the shooting and rioting are certain to ramp up
clashes between anarchists and police.
A similar shooting in 1985 led to years of violence.
Residents have recently protested over rising crime and lawlessness,
and complain that the police fail to answer emergency calls, staying
barricaded in their police stations, our correspondent adds.