[Fwd: TRISTI IPOCRITI - HYPOCRITES!] La risposta di Keren Hayesod alla mia lettera al presidente dello STato di Israele

Ecco cosa mi ha risposto il direttore della Divisione Marketing e
Comunicazione dell'Ufficio Centrale del Keren Hayesod di Gerusalemme,
ovviamente fraintendendo quello che io volevo dire...ma cosa ci si
attendeva da un'organizzazione sionista!!!!
Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: Info <Info at kh-uia.org.il>
Data: Ven, Agosto 4, 2006 2:28 pm
A: Comitato per la Pace <outafghanistan at comune.re.it>, sar at mfa.gov.il,
         v-bitchon at knesset.gov.il, adotan at knesset.gov.il,
skolman at knesset.gov.il,
         eulmert at knesset.gov.il, shimonp at knesset.gov.il,
aperetz at knesset.gov.il,
         ntans at knesset.gov.il, pniot at mod.gov.il, president at president.gov.il,
         public at president.gov.il

<O Tosco, ch'al collegio
de l'ipocriti tristi se' venuto,
dir chi tu se' non avere in dispregio>.

Tristi ipocriti, disgusting hyprocrites,
We in Israel don't rejoice for any civilian victim on the other side,
like your friends from Hezbollah do when they kill our civilians. Maybe
you also open a good Chianti botte for every Israeli killed?.
Pictures of dead children are always sad. But our dead children don't
awake any emotion from your part.  Jewish children, who cares? By the
way, do you know that  Arab-Israeli children also died from Hezbollah
missiles? If you don't care for Jewish children, at least say something
about the Arab-Israeli children... Neither for  the dead children in
Darfur, Sudan or  any other bleeding place on earth have you
demonstrated, sent e-mails, nothing . Why is that?
You are the ugly face of Italy. We know that you don't represent your
country and your people.

Con assoluto disprezzo, with total despise,
Yehoshua Amishav

-----Original Message-----
From: Comitato per la Pace [mailto:outafghanistan at comune.re.it]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 8:11 AM
To: sar at mfa.gov.il; v-bitchon at knesset.gov.il; adotan at knesset.gov.il;
skolman at knesset.gov.il; eulmert at knesset.gov.il; shimonp at knesset.gov.il;
aperetz at knesset.gov.il; ntans at knesset.gov.il; pniot at mod.gov.il;
president at president.gov.il; public at president.gov.il
Cc: column at danielpipes.org; letters at jpost.com; Info;
actionforpeace-palestina-israele at yahoogroups.com;
info at forze-libanesi.com; nagibaoun at lorientlejour.com;
letters at dailystar.com.lb; contactus at almustaqbal.com.lb;
webmaster at annahar.com.lb; info at vdl.com.lb; barakat at radioorient.com;
liban at tiscalinet.it; moqawama at moqawama.net; iicbeirut at esteri.it;
servizi at iicbeirut.org; abbasalshalhoub at yahoogroups.com
Subject: At the president and the government of Israel
Importance: High

Dear Mr. President
Dear ministers of the State of Israel
I would want to ask you of giving a glance to the photos that I enclose
to Them. They are drawn from www.moqawama.net.
They are some of the photos of the murdered or hurt children in the
massacre of Cana. I will ask only one what, after that he will have
watched to them with attention. Would have it still the courage to
defend the reasons of war?
They are father, like You and many Israelis, I have two small sons, like
many of you they have or they have had. I, in front of these photos,
have only the force to cry and cry my need of Peace. Not vindict,
because it would create other evil.
Not hatred, because hatred would give other innocent dead men to us.
Only Peace.
Stopped Israel, stopped the war anywhere it is.
I do not have the courage to be impassible and the forehead heart much
evil, to much violence. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has taught to me but
not to ask the blood for my enemy. Only Peace.
Make the possible one in order to stop the war and to recommence
dialogue of Peace. Thanks, Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri - promotore
Comitato per la Pace Abbas al-Shalhoub 2 )Massimo Dalla Giovanna -
Comitato per la Pace Rachel Corrie
3) Noemi Colombo
4) Paul Bondarovski
5) Giuseppe Concione
6) Edvino Ugolini
7) Andrea Anselmi
8) Max Birgit
9) Emmanuelle Bazzico
10) Enza Panebianco
11) Antonio Luca Repetto
12) Letizia Pacifico
13) Ennio Calegari
14) Marina Calegari
15) Gillian Small
16) Emanuele Mariutti
17) Doriana Goracci - Donne in Nero Tuscia
18) Pinella Depau
19) Valda Butani
20) Mariateresa Morresi - comitato per la pace Abbas al-Shalhoub
21) Maria Nina Posadinu
22) Chris Applebey
23) Luca Bolognesi

In memoria di Abbas al Shalhoub di anni uno, deceduto a Cana per mano
degli israeliani, insieme a tutti gli altri bambini che, come lui, non
hanno nessuna colpa del male dei grandi.


Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri
promotore del comitato
Amico di Emergency
traduttore junior per l'Emergenza Libano dei Traduttori per la Pace

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Per sottoscrivere la petizione al presidente Karzai
Per sottoscrivere la petizione al presidente di Israele

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