[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 13 Dec 2005 - Part two]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Cornered by the Truth
Sheila Samples,
... Who knows what the truth is anymore? Each time the truth threatens to
emerge, the dancing duo whomps it back into the shadows with a false-flag
terror alert and, with the help of a treasonous media, we soon forget what
it was that "almost" penetrated our consciousness. No truth has fought more
valiantly to break free nor sent Bush and Blair into more strenuous dancing
spasms than what actually happened on 9-11. We know the truth, but cannot,
or will not, wrap our minds ar! ound it lest we be forced to stare aghast
at ourselves in the mirror. But the truth of that disastrous day will out,
because anybody with half sense and one eye who has seen video of the WTC
buildings imploding knows their miraculous freefall could be nothing short
of a controlled demolition...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18686&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18686

Global Spook Monolith Revealed
Kurt Nimmo
Dick Marty, a Swiss senator investigating Bush’s rape and torture gulag and
macabre sadism flying circus, reveals what many of us have long suspected:
the CIA had more than a little help from "national secret services" in
Europe, thus making a case for the obvious—the CIA is but one of several
components of a larger and more sinister global covert "intelligence"
organization. However, key players and prime motivators in this sprawling
murder, black op, and torture infrast! ructure consist of elements in the
CIA, MI6, and Mossad (and Mossad should be considered European, not Middle
Eastern, since Israel was created after the Polish rabbi Zevi Hirsch
Kalischer proposed Baron Edmond de Rothschild create Erez Israel and
British colonialism set the stage less than a hundred years later, paving
the way for Ashkenazi Jews—that is to say, European Jews—to steal Arab land
and create the outlaw state of Israel, now a full partner in the New World
Order plot to turn the planet into a hellish plantation)...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18695&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18695

Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?
Secret database obtained by NBC News tracks ‘suspicious’ domestic groups
Lisa Myers, Douglas Pasternak, Rich Gardella and the NBC Investigative Unit
A year ago, at a Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth, Fla., a small group of
activists met to plan a protest of military recruiting at local high
schools. What they didn't know was that their meeting had come to the
attention of the U.S. military. A secret 400-page Defense Department
document obtained by NBC News! lists the Lake Worth meeting as a "threat"
and one of more than 1,500 "suspicious incidents" across the country over a
recent 10-month period. "This peaceful, educationally oriented group being
a threat is incredible," says Evy Grachow, a member of the Florida group
called The Truth Project. "This is incredible," adds group member Rich
Hersh. "It's an example of paranoia by our government," he says. "We're not
doing anything illegal"...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18694&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18694

State media
Eli, Left I on the News
...In the post below this one, I note Bush's inaccurate answer to the
question of how many Iraqis have died as a result of the U.S. invasion.
Bush's answer, that 30,000 figure, is being reported, and even headlined,
widely -- The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times,
and on NBC Nightly News that I am currently watching (and no doubt on every
other news outlet). Not one of them cast the slightest doubt on that 30,000
figure. Evidently, Bush's credibility ha! s such a strong record that
questioning a "fact" asserted by him is beyond the pale. Right....

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18685&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18685

Those Secret Torture-Prisons: A Modest Proposal
Bernard Weiner, Co-Editor, The Crisis Papers
I am always open to innovative ways of raising money for cash-strapped
governments, as long as it doesn't cost me anything extra. Many states, for
example, sponsor lotteries; nobody is forced to buy in, but millions of
citizens purchase tickets that help underwrite our schools and
road-repairs. In that light, I have a modest proposal for the Bush
Administration: Auction off torture rights. Here's how it would work. The
Bu! sh Administration, either through eBay or by establishing a website all
its own (>> torturersRus.gov <<), would let citizens bid for the right to
brutalize a terrorist suspect in one of the secret CIA prisons around the

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18687&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18687

Just like the Iraqi mother
Nesreen Melek, Axis of Logic
You’ve lost your son and will not celebrate Christmas this year with him,
just like the Iraqi mother
You wanted him to grow, get married, and have children, just like the Iraqi
You wanted to tell him how much you love him, how much you care, just like
the Iraqi mother
You wanted to finish the stories you’ve told him, just like the Iraqi mother
You wanted him to take care of you when you got old, just like the Iraqi

You remember the time when he was a child, you held him close to your chest
and he rested, just like the Iraqi mother

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18693&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18693

Fitzgerald was long suspicious Rove had hidden evidence; Not swayed by last
minute testimony, lawyers say
Jason Leopold and Larisa Alexandrovna, RAW STORY
A few weeks after he took over the investigation into the leak of covert
CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson in early 2004, Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald had already become suspicious that Karl Rove and Vice President
Cheney’s then-chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby were hindering his

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18692&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18692

Allen L Roland, Ph.D
There is now more evidence that the Pentagon has been lowballing its count
of the dead and wounded in Iraq ~ which would represent the ultimate spin
and deceit of this morally corrupt administration. There has always been
the strong rumor that the Pentagon only counts those killed in combat in
its daily death totals . So if a soldier was wounded and died in transit to
a hospital or in that hospital ~ he would not be counted in that daily
death tota! l...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18690&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18690

Investigator links Europe's spy agencies to CIA flights
Jon Henley in Paris and Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian
CIA prisoners in Europe were apparently abducted and moved between
countries illegally, possibly with the aid of national secret services who
did not tell their governments, according to the first official report on
the so-called "renditions" scandal. Dick Marty, a Swiss senator
investigating allegations of secret CIA prisons for the Council of Europe,
said that he did not think the US was still hol! ding prisoners in Europe,
but had probably moved them to north Africa last month...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18689&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18689

Christmas in Mecca: Are the US occupying forces closing Iraq's borders at
Hajj time?
Jane Stillwater
Talk about your insensitivity! U.S. occupying forces are talking about
closing Iraq's borders just as Muslim Iraqis are preparing to go on Hajj.
Do Bush, Rice and Rumsfeld even know what Hajj is? Even if you don't know
how to use America's trillion-dollar information-gathering systems, guys,
at least try to Google it. For U.S. occupying forces to close Iraq's
borders at Hajj time would be like the Israeli Defense ! Force closing down
Bethlehem at Christmas. Oops. They already did that -- and discovered it
was a bad idea...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18688&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18688

Council of Europe probe backs claims of CIA prison flights
AFX News
The CIA appears to have abducted suspects in Europe and illegally
transferred them to other countries, according to the preliminary results
of a Council of Europe investigation released today. 'Legal proceedings
under way in certain countries appear to show that individuals were
abducted and transferred to other countries without respect for any legal
assistance procedures,' the Swiss senator who leads the inquiry, Dick
Marty, said as he presente! d his findings to date...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18691&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18691

Bush Threatens to Unleash Terrorists
Kurt Nimmo, Another day in the empire
It’s a message customized for dim-witted Americans driving around in 6.5L
turbo diesel Hummers with chrome wheels, whip antennas, and "Desert Rat"
insignia above multiple "Support Our Troops" magnetic ribbons: if Congress
does not renew the Constitution destroying USA Patriot Act, according to
our fearless ruler, it "might lead to terrorist violence," Bloomberg
reports. "In the war on terror, we cannot afford to be without that vital
law f! or a single moment," said Bush. "By renewing the Patriot Act, we
will ensure that our law enforcement and intelligence officers have the
tools they need to protect our citizens"...

<http://www.uruknet.com/?s1=1&p=18639&s2=14>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: http://www.uruknet.com/?p=18639

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information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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