After the Iraqi Election: Bring the Troops Home Now


On January 30, millions of Iraqis voted their hopes for democracy and an
end to violence and occupation. But the only way for their hopes to be
realized is to end the U.S. occupation of their country and bring all U.S.
troops home now.

George Bush claims otherwise. Even before a single ballot was cast, the
White House began trumpeting the vote as justification for its discredited
invasion and continued occupation. Much of the corporate media has echoed
the message that the elections were a success. But Washington's latest
pronouncements are a tissue of misrepresentations and lies - just like
Bush's earlier claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or was
linked to Al Qaeda.

Below is an assessment of the Iraqi election that gets to the heart of
White House and corporate media distortions, in particular the claim that
this balloting-at-gunpoint met international criteria for legitimate free
and fair elections. Written by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy
Studies ( ), a member group of UFPJ, it points to the
long history of the United States using elections held under occupation to
legitimize its illegal wars, with pointed reference to the 1967 "light at
the end of the tunnel" elections held in South Vietnam.

As in Vietnam forty years ago, the presence of U.S. troops is the problem,
not the solution. Take action against the White House's media offensive by
writing a letter to the editor of your local paper, using the talking
points below. You can find a searchable directory of media outlets in your
area at

Phyllis Bennis regularly produces talking points for United for Peace and
Justice on U.S. policy toward Iraq and the broader empire-building agenda
of the Bush administration. You can sign up to receive them by email at
or find them on our Iraq campaign page at


Reading the Iraqi Elections

by Phyllis Bennis
Institute for Policy Studies
1 February 2005

** The millions of Iraqis who came out for the elections were voting their
for an end to violence and occupation, and a better life; their hopes are not
likely to be met.

** George Bush hopes to be the major victor in this election, using it to
claim legitimacy
for his occupation of Iraq . This election does not mean that the invasion and
occupation of Iraq is legitimate -- democracy cannot be imposed at the point
of a gun.

** The election, held under military occupation and not meeting international
criteria, including those of the Carter Center , remains illegitimate;
is not determined by the number of people voting.

** Even the expected victory of Shi'a-led political parties is not likely to
result in the new assembly calling for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops.

** U.S. domination of Iraq 's economic, political and social life will continue
through the military occupation and the continuing control of money, the legal
system, and political patronage.

** The U.S. has a long history of using elections held under conditions of war
and occupation to legitimize its illegal wars - the January 2005 elections in
Iraq mirror the 1967 election held in South Viet Nam , also held to give
to Washington 's puppet government.

The individual Iraqis who came out to vote clearly were very brave and eager
to reclaim control of their country.  They were voting for their hopes, for
streets so children can go to school, for electricity and clean water, for
and mostly for an end to the U.S. occupation.  The elections, however, are
to achieve any of those goals; the violence is likely to continue, perhaps even
increase.  The U.S. occupation is STILL the problem, not the solution, in Iraq
, and only bringing the U.S. troops home, not imposing elections under
occupation, will lead to an end of violence.

Millions of Iraqis participated in the election, but it is still unclear how
many.  International journalists were limited to five polling stations in
four of which were in Shi'a districts with expected high turnout. The
election commission in Iraq originally announced a 72% participation
after the polls closed, then downscaled that to "near 60%" - actually claiming
about 57% turn-out.  But those figures are all still misleading.  The
Post reported (two days after the vote, on page 7 of the Style section) that
the 60% figure is based on the claim that 8 million out of 14 million eligible
Iraqis turned out. But the 14 million figure itself is misleading, because it
only includes those registered Iraqis, not the 18 million actually eligible
Similarly, the claim of very high voter participation among Iraqi exiles is
misleading, since only 280,000 or so Iraqis abroad even registered, out of
about 1.2 million qualified to register and vote.  The participation of
women, both as candidates (imposed by the U.S.-backed electoral law) and as
voters, was significant, but key demands of Iraqi women, particularly
involving economic and social rights disproportionately denied to women,
are unlikely to be met through this electoral process.

At least in the short term, George Bush will emerge as the major winner in this
election, through the false propaganda claim that Iraqi participation and
enthusiasm for the elections somehow equals legitimacy for his continued
occupation and
the preventive war that put it in place. This is the latest effort to identify
mileposts "on the road to freedom" in Iraq - earlier ones included the "
accomplished" claim, the capture of Saddam Hussein, the "transfer of
and none of them led to freedom, independence and security for Iraqis.  In
fact, Bush's false claim of legitimacy continues to hold the Iraqi
population and the 150,000 U.S. soldiers hostage to his agenda and

The Bush administration's goal is to increase the legitimacy of the occupation
and the broader Iraq project, including a more vigorous counter-insurgency war,
in the eyes of Americans and international public and governmental opinion.
This may lead to some European leaders, in particular, eager to rejoin the Bush
bandwagon, to use the election's "success" as the basis for challenging their
own population's continuing opposition to the U.S. occupation. The president
of the European Commission, José Manual Baroso, congratulated the Iraqi people
for their courage, and said that the election represented "European values."

It is a huge insult to the people of Iraq to claim that enthusiasm for
only emerged when it was "offered" to Iraq in the form of elections imposed
the conditions of military occupation.

The Iraqi election was not legitimate.  It was held under conditions of a
military foreign occupation. The Hague Convention of 1907, to which the U.S.
is a signatory, prohibits the occupying power from creating any permanent
in the government of the occupied territory.  These elections were arranged
under an electoral law and by an electoral commission installed and backed
by the occupying power. They took place in an environment so violent that
voters could not even learn the names of candidates, and the three days
surrounding the vote included a complete lock-down of the country,
including shoot-to-kill curfews in many areas, closure of the airport and
borders, and closure of roads.  There were
no international monitors in the country - unlike Afghanistan (with 122
and Palestine (with 800) during difficult elections held under occupation, Iraq
was deemed too dangerous for international election monitors. The Canadian-led
team of international election "assessors," who made an early claim that the
elections met international standards, were in fact based outside the country,
in Jordan.

The U.S.-based Carter Center, which has monitored elections around the world
for more than a decade, declined to participate in Iraq. But they did identify
key criteria for determining the legitimacy of elections, and their spokesman
noted the day before the elections that none had been met. Those criteria
the ability of voters to vote in a free and secure environment, the ability of
candidates to have access to voters for campaigning, a freely chosen and
independent election commission, and voters able to vote without fear or

The new Iraqi transitional Assembly, despite a certain majority of
Shi'a-dominated parties, will be unlikely to call for an immediate
withdrawal of U.S. troops.
Despite claims by many Shi'a leaders that they want an end to the occupation,
this "government," whose legitimacy will remain tainted by its ties to the
forces, will remain in power only with the backing of the U.S. troops. The
current interim president, Ghazi al-Yawer, one of the most critical voices of
the U.S. occupation, announced after the vote that it would be "complete
to call for an end to the occupation.

Despite the effort to maintain an "Iraqi face" on the troops guarding the
process, it was clear that, according to Newsweek magazine, "the U.S. army role
was pivotal in the election." U.S. embassy officials also told the San
Chronicle that it was important "not to read too much" into the level of
that made the elections possible - guarding polling places is easier than
a counter-insurgency, they said. Bush announced after the elections that "as
democracy takes hold in Iraq , America 's mission there will continue."  Newly
installed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice affirmed that, " U.S. troops will
stay till Iraqis can do the job."

U.S. domination of Iraq remains unchanged with this election.  The U.S.-imposed
Transitional Administrative Law, imposed by the U.S. occupation, remains
the law of the land even with the new election. Amending that law requires
super-majorities of the assembly as well as a unanimous agreement by the
presidency council, almost impossible given the range of constituencies
that must be satisfied. Chiefs of key control commissions, including Iraq's
Inspector General, the Commission on Public Integrity, the Communication
and Media Commission and others, were appointed by Bremer with five-year
terms, can only be dismissed "for cause." The Council of Judges, as well as
individual judges and prosecutors, were selected, vetted and trained by the
U.S. occupation, and are dominated by long-time U.S.-backed exiles.

The 40,000+ civilian and military "advisers," including private contractors
and U.S. government officials, seconded to Iraq 's ministries and all
public institutions will remain powerful; with the new assembly sending new
staff to these ministries, the U.S. "advisers" may hold the institutional

The $16 billion of U.S. taxpayer money not spent in the reconstruction effort
(the billions paid to Halliburton, Bechtel, and others has come almost entirely
out of U.S.-appropriated Iraqi funds) as well as the $50 billion/year military
costs will become a potential slush fund for the new assembly's favored
 The U.S.-backed privatization schemes imposed by former U.S. pro-consul Paul
Bremer remain in place. The current interim finance minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi,
touted by the Los Angeles Times as a potential candidate for deputy president
or prime minister, recently announced his support for the complete
of Iraq 's oil industry.

A New York Times article of September 4, 1967 , is entitled "U.S. Encouraged
by Vietnam Vote : Officials Cite 83% Turnout Despite Vietcong Terror."  It
"United States officials were surprised and heartened today at the size of
in South Vietnam's presidential election despite a Vietcong terrorist campaign
to disrupt the voting. According to reports from Saigon, 83 per cent of the
5.85 million registered voters cast their ballots yesterday.  Many of them
reprisals threatened by the Vietcong. A successful election has long been seen
as the keystone in President Johnson's policy of encouraging the growth of
constitutional processes in South Vietnam . . .The purpose of the voting
was to give legitimacy to the Saigon Government . . ."

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