Fwd: Lo sterminio eugenetico dei bambini sefarditi

Messaggio del giornalista Fulvio Grimaldi


Lo sterminio eugenetico dei bambini sefarditi

Proverei a suggerire ai vari giornalisti “esperti in
antisemitismo” di procurarsi copia del programma
andato in onda in Israele il 14 agosto, alle 21, su
Channel Ten, per Dimona Productions, reperibile anche
nel sito del più liberal dei giornali israeliani:
www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/458044.html . Si intitola
"100.000 Radiations". Partecipavano testimoni, esperti
del Ministero della Sanità, vittime. Ne devo notizia a
Olga Daric. Grazie.

”Con il pretesto di combattere la tricofitosi
(ringworm) nella testa dei bambini sefarditi
immigrati, per lo più dal Marocco, o rapiti dallo
Yemen, il Ministero della Sanità israeliano, sotto la
supervisione di Simon Peres, acquistò nel 1951 negli
Stati Uniti sette macchine di Raggi X e li adoperò per
un esperimento nucleare di massa su un'intera
generazione di cavie umane sefardite. A 100.000
bambini sefarditi vennero sparate in testa e sul corpo
(non coperto da protezioni) dosi 35.000 volte
superiori alla soglia massima di raggi gamma. Tali da
friggergli il cervello. Per avergli risparmiato gli
esperimenti, a quel punto ufficialmente proibiti, sui
propri detenuti, o malati mentali, il governo USA
versò a quello israeliano 300 milioni di sterline
israeliane all'anno, per una somma che oggi varrebbe
miliardi di dollari. 6000 bambini morirono subito, gli
altri svilupparono tumori che hanno continuato a
uccidere e uccidono anche oggi. In vita, le vittime
hanno sofferto e soffrono di epilessia, amnesia,
Alzheimer, psicosi, emicranie croniche. Essendo stato
esposto l'intero corpo, i bambini svilupparono difetti
genetici. La generazione che sopravvisse diventò in
perpetuo la classe più povera, malata ed emarginata
del paese. Uno storico spiega nel documentario che
l'operazione era parte di un programma eugenetico
mirato a eliminare le componenti deboli o difettose
della società. Mengele. Nel programma si indicano i
responsabili del progetto: Nahum Goldman, capo del
Congresso Ebraico Mondiale, Levi Eshkol, primo
ministro, Shimon Peres, allora direttore generale del
Ministero della Guerra, Eliezer Kaplan, ministro delle
finanze, Jospeh Burg, ministro della Sanità, accusato
dai rabbini yemeniti di essere il responsabile del
rapimento dei loro bambini. E' stata questa cabala che
nel 1977 avrebbe poi eletto primo ministro Menachem
Begin. Alcune centinaia di spettatori hanno visto
questa trasmissione in Israele. Chissà se Guido
Caldiron ne vorrà sentire le impressioni, magari per
confermare che davvero infinite sono le vie


Quando si ricevono notizie così orripilanti, e non è
certo la prima volta, la prima reazione è quella di
“sperare che non siano vere”.

Ma la fonte è questa volta insospettabile.

Questi fatti dimostrano che il sionismo non è
un’ideologia che difende gli “Ebrei” ma semplicemente
un odioso sottoprodotto del peggior colonialismo e del
più truce razzismo europeo, uno strumento, mirato ed
impietoso, di lotta della cosiddetta “civiltà europea”
contro il “sottosviluppo” del terzo mondo.

Ripetendo i crimini del fascismo, ed anticipando
quelli di Bush, i responsabili del programma di
esperimenti contro gli Ebrei sefarditi proclamano al
mondo la loro verità: la ricetta migliore per
combattere la (minaccia della) povertà è quella di
eliminare i poveri.


Giuseppe Zambon


Running rings around the victims   
By Aryeh Dayan 

Tens of thousands of immigrants underwent radiation
against ringworm in the 1940s and `50s. Now, 60 years
later, they are still fighting for compensation from
the state for illnesses said to be due to the
On the Israeli national agenda, the ringworm affair is
in a class with the affairs of the Yemenite children
(some of whom were allegedly kidnapped and put up for
adoption) and the spraying of new immigrants with DDT.
Like those affairs, it is a symbol of the arrogant and
alienated attitude of the veteran Ashkenazi (Jews of
European origin) establishment in the 1950s toward the
new immigrants from the Arab countries. And like those
affairs, this one refuses to die away.

Ten years after the legislation of the law that was
designed to eliminate the resentment caused by the
ringworm affair, it is apparently about to erupt
again, and the victims are once again embarking on a
battle, claiming that not only does the state pay
absurd compensation, but it prevents even that small
sum from reaching a large percentage of the victims.
Naturally, at the same time there will be a renewal of
the bitter debate about the limits of responsibility
of the Israeli government for what was defined about
50 years ago as a medical-humanitarian campaign meant
to benefit the olim (new immigrants) from the Arab
countries, and turned into a terrible humanitarian

The government radiation campaign began in the late
1940s, when a fear arose in the country of an outbreak
of a plague of ringworm, a skin disease that grows in
the roots of the hair and quickly spreads among
children who live in crowded conditions, with poor
hygiene. The prejudices of the establishment toward
the Mizrahi (Jews of North African and Middle Eastern
origin) immigrants contributed both to intensifying
this fear and to the means used to solve the problem.

The top echelons of the Ministry of Health and the
Medical Corps of the Israel Defense Forces decided to
begin a comprehensive treatment and prevention
campaign, which was to include radioactive treatments
of the heads of all the children up to age 15 who had
immigrated from Arab countries. In all, about 100,000
children underwent these treatments.

At a certain stage of the campaign, which lasted until
1960, it was also decided to transfer radiation
machines to the Jewish Agency transit camps in
Marseilles and other places in Europe and to carry out
the treatments there, while the children were still in
transit from North Africa to Israel. The medical world
at the time, even outside Israel, was as yet unaware
of the future damage involved in these radiation
treatments; the connection between such treatments and
cancer and other illnesses was discovered only years

Many people have testified that the radiation campaign
caused the children serious emotional harm. Without
any explanation, they were brought to clinics where
the hair on their heads was shaven, the hair that
remained was pulled out with hot wax, and the roots
were eliminated with x-rays. 

The exact number of Israelis who have suffered from
various types of cancer because of radiation against
ringworm is not known. However, Prof. Baruch Modan,
who researched the subject when he was the head of the
Department of Clinical Epidemiology at the Sheba
Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, discovered over 30
years ago that their number was more than double that
in the general population. The treatments caused many
other illnesses: sterility, the loss of teeth and
hair, and severe and ugly scars on the scalp and on
other parts of the body. According to the most recent
estimates, tens of thousands of people contracted
cancer or other illnesses as a result of the radiation

Contradictory findings

For decades, the government refused to accept any
legal or moral responsibility for the radiation
campaign. In 1994, the government changed its position
for the first time, and passed a law initiated by MK
Amir Peretz, to compensate the victims of ringworm
treatments. The law determined moderate financial
compensation for anyone who had received radiation
treatments against ringworm in his childhood, and as
an adult fell ill with severe forms of cancer. By
passing the law, the government in effect acknowledged
the connection between cancer and the radiation
treatments administered by the state.

The two government institutions responsible for
implementing the law - the Health Ministry and the
National Insurance Institute - have submitted
contradictory findings regarding the number of victims
who have been recognized as eligible for compensation.
The Health Ministry, which is responsible both for
determining eligibility and for deciding on the
percentage of disability that determines the amount of
compensation, says that "about 13,500" people are
eligible, and about 13,000 have filed claims. The NII,
which is actively responsible for making the payments,
says that the number of those eligible is "about
11,000." The Health Ministry also says that about
10,000 requests have been denied and that the
discussion of 7,500 additional requests has not yet
been concluded. The NII spokesman's office says that
as of October 2003, "the NII paid the ringworm victims
grants and allowances to the tune of NIS 640 million."

Those who are granted between 5 percent and 39 percent
disability are eligible for a one-time grant of NIS
1,218 for each percentage of disability. Those who
have over 40 percent disability will receive a monthly
allowance in addition to the one-time grant. The grant
will be NIS 50,000 if the committee has determined
between 40 percent and 74 percent disability, and NIS
100,000 for higher disability. The monthly allowance
for those who have been granted 100 percent disability
will be 25 percent of the average national salary,
i.e. about NIS 1,800; the sum of the allowance will
decline with a decline in the percentage of

"That's really minimal compensation, I would even say
that it's adding insult to injury," says attorney
Yadin Yaron, who represents many ringworm victims.
"Anyone with less than 40 percent disability, which
includes the vast majority of those receiving
compensation, received an almost absurd one-time
payment. Only someone who suffers from a brain tumor
or from multiple tumors receives over 40 percent." The
NII statistics indicate that only 27 percent of those
eligible - 3,000 out of 11,000 - have received a
regular allowance.

And why were such absurd sums determined? Apparently
the state knew how to exploit the fact that the
victims of the radiation treatments didn't have much
of a chance of winning lawsuits. "Fifteen years ago,
before the law was passed, a large group of radiation
victims turned to me and asked me to investigate the
possibility of filing a suit against the state for
medical negligence," says Yaron. "After I checked into
the matter, I reached the conclusion that the
radiation treatments were carried out according to
what was common in the medical world at the time, and
that there was no chance of winning a lawsuit based on
the claim of negligence. Since I believed that the
state nevertheless has a very large moral obligation
towards these people, I suggested that they file the
lawsuit, and litigate against the state on a moral
basis." The legislative process began immediately
after the filing of this lawsuit. Its conclusion, in
which the low compensation sums were set, put an end
to discussion of the lawsuit.

The purpose of the law was to put an end to the
resentment caused by the ringworm affair. But judging
by a long series of indicators, which have been
multiplying in recent months, that didn't happen. An
association of the radiation victims is about to
embark on a public battle, claiming that the Finance
Ministry has for several years been making every
effort to reduce the allowances, which are low in any
case, and to empty the law of content. Lawyers who are
handling the lawsuits of the victims claim that the
Health Ministry has given in to the treasury, is
causing a significant slowdown in the work of the
medical committees discussing the compensation claims,
and is placing endless legal and bureaucratic
obstacles in the path of the plaintiffs. In labor
courts all over the country, which are authorized by
law to discuss appeals of the decisions of the medical
committees, there has been an increase in the number
of those appealing the denial of their claims or the
tiny sum allocated to them for compensation.

"During the first years, the law was implemented in a
more or less acceptable manner, but since 2000 or
2001, everything has changed for the worse," says
Malka Cohen-Gilboa, the lawyer for the Association of
Ringworm Radiation Victims. According to the law,
those who request compensation must first appear
before an "experts' committee" that determines whether
there is a direct connection between the person's
disease and the radiation treatments he received. "In
recent years," says Cohen-Gilboa, "the experts'
committees have greatly increased their demands for
proof of this connection. In the past they believed
those who turned to them. Now they ask them to bring
documents and witnesses to prove that they received
radiation treatments. The problem is that none of them
has documents, and the only witnesses were their
parents, who in most cases are no longer alive."

Someone whose eligibility for compensation is
acknowledged by the experts' committee is sent to
another committee, a "medical committee," whose job it
is to decide on the percentage of disability, which
determines the amount of compensation. "Up until three
years ago, the percentages of disability were granted
very generously, and with greater consideration," says
Yaron. "The treasury seems to be applying great
pressure on this issue." If in the past about three or
four months on the average passed between the time the
lawsuit was filed and the time it came up for
discussion, complains Yaron, today the process takes
about a year and a half.

The institute was not established

In the past, says Yaron, percentages of disability
were also granted for scars caused by the radiation
treatments, and for spots and other damage to the
scalp. Today these things are not taken into
consideration. Article 7 of the law determines that
the Health Ministry, "will establish a national
institute for the study of the subject of ringworm and
how to treat it," whose tasks will include "locating,
registering and documenting those who suffered from
ringworm and received radiation treatments," and "the
establishment of a system for early diagnosis of
illnesses to which radiation patients are exposed."

The research by the institute, it was explained when
the law was passed, would also deal with discovering
the connection between the radiation treatments and
other illnesses (aside from cancer), in order to make
it possible to add these illnesses to the list of
illnesses which entitle people to compensation.

Ten years after the legislation of the law, the
institute has yet to be established, and the list of
illnesses has never bee expanded. "Several years ago,
Nissim Dahan, who was the health minister at the time,
signed an order that added benign growths in the
thyroid gland to the list of illnesses," says Yaron.
"The treasury didn't approve the order."

Cohen-Gilboa: "In 1974, Professor Modan proved the
connection between the radiation treatments and breast
cancer, but breast cancer has still not been placed on
the list. In the past, percentages of disability were
also granted for emotional distress; now that is no
longer the case. For years we have been demanding a
payment for wigs, which many of us have been forced to
use for 50 years. Nothing has been done."

Attorney Zvi Regev, whose Hadera law firm represents
dozens of the radiation victims, claims that the
plaintiffs are required to appear before the experts'
committee without being represented by a lawyer, and
are asked tricky questions, for example, whether the
radiation treatments hurt. "If the plaintiff gives a
positive answer, his request is denied. This question
is tricky because the treatments really didn't hurt,
but pulling out hair with wax hurt a great deal." He
says, "It's not clear how they expect a 60-year-old
man who underwent radiation treatments 50 years ago,
when he was a child, to make this precise

The Health Ministry refused to submit a formal reply
regarding the claims, saying that the subject has now
been sent to the Supreme Court. A senior official in
the ministry, who requested anonymity, said that the
ministry and its committees are operating in
accordance with the law.

No right to know?

"Had the Health Ministry informed me 15 or 20 years
ago that I underwent radiation treatments against
ringworm," says Batsheva Gadassi, "maybe I could have
saved my life." Gadassi, 54, who recently fell ill
with a severe form of cancer, blamed the Health
Ministry for not informing her in time of the fact
that her name is included in what is called the "Modan
file" - a list that was prepared 35 years ago, and
includes the names of 12,000 of the approximately
100,000 children who received radiation treatments.

Since the list was compiled, the ministry has refused
to warn those whose names are included on it. Gadassi
appealed to the Supreme Court with a request to
require the ministry to do so. "It won't help me any
more," she says, "but I want to save the lives of

Gadassi was born in 1950 in Moshav Shtulim, to parents
who had come to Israel a year earlier from Yemen. She
says that in the summer of 1957 all the children of
the moshav were taken to Haifa, on the pretext that
they were going to a summer camp. "A large truck
picked us up. On the way to Haifa we sang and played
happily, but the moment we arrived at the Sha'ar
Ha'aliyah camp, near Haifa, the abuse began. They took
us into the clinic, smeared some substance on our
heads, pulled out all our hair and gave us radiation
treatments. We returned home bald and bruised, both
physically and emotionally."

This incident was so traumatic for her, that for
decades she erased it from her memory entirely. She
remembered it down to the last detail a few months
ago, when she went to receive radiation treatments
against the cancer that has developed in her throat
and that threatens her life. When she filed a lawsuit
in the Health Ministry, she discovered for the first
time that her name is included in the Modan list.

All the health ministers and all the directors general
of the ministry who have served since the list was
compiled have opposed the demand to send warnings.
Among the opponents was Prof. Baruch Modan himself,
who prepared the list and afterwards served as
director general in the 1980s. The Health Ministry
explains that the Modan file is "a research file
only," and there is no certainty that everyone
included in it did in fact receive radiation
treatments. Sending warnings to all of them is liable
"to sow unnecessary panic" without being medically
efficacious, because it is doubtful whether anyone
will succeed in stopping the development of the
cancer. But the ministry insists that the list is not
classified: Anyone who asks to know whether his name
is included on it, will receive an immediate reply.


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