Robertson cheide scusa, ma la Casa Bianca resta in silenzio

From: Venezuela News & Action <newsandaction at>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 11:50:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Pat Robertson Apologizes, Yet White House Remains Silent


As many of you have heard by now, U.S. Televangelist Pat
Robertson publicly apologized yesterday after calling for
the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.  The
apology came after a 48-hour public battering by friends and
foes alike, and dozens of excoriating editorials from
newspapers across the United States (not to mention just 3
hours after Robertson himself claimed to have been
"misinterpreted," an argument that turned out to be false.)

It has been heartening to see that most Americans, even very
conservative ideologues, recognize such statements for what
they are:  arrogant, immoral, and dangerous.

< Read Roberston's inflammatory statements, and the swift
and furious reaction from the U.S. media, members of
Congress, the faith community and more: >

Yet while all of America seems to be talking about Robertson
and Venezuela, there has been conspicuous silence from the
place that matters most:  the United States White House.  To
date, President Bush has refused to condemn Robertson's
remarks, which Venezuelan leaders argue are akin to
The few Bush appointees who have weighed in on the matter
have issued limp and insufficient statements.  When
questioned about Robertson's remarks, State Department
Spokesman Sean McCormack simply stated, "We do not share his
views."  Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was even more
dismissive of the international outrage.  "[Robertson] is a
private citizen," Rumsfeld said.  "Private citizens say
things all the time."
Hard hitting words from those on the front lines against
international terrorism.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: A huge array of organizations around the
country is organizing campaigns around the Robertson
debacle.  There are many ways to get involved.

The human rights group Global Exchange is encouraging
citizens to call the White House to ask the Bush
Administration to "condemn the call for terrorist homicide.
[The administration] must investigate the legality of
calling for the assassination of a democratically elected
foreign head of state, and abide by international law in
prosecuting terrorist activity."  The public comment line at
the White House is (202) 456-1111.