Dear Members,

Our group seams discouraged by the crisis, meanwhile the crisis should be the reason to improve ourselves and push the accelerator for the resumption.

I have many new projects for development, to create jobs, reduce pollution and suffering, but I need financial support to make my dreams a reality and spread a better quality of life for the International Community.

Good and Evil are two natural faculties inborn in the man spirit, subject to change behaviour according to personal momentary interests.

The consequences of either one of the two faculties, becomes favourable or painful when involve twisted heads with responsibilities as a Company Manager, a rich and powerful man, or much higher at Government levels.

Our world undergo many different period of peace and war in virtue of people sitting on key positions, some loving peace and some other inflamed by Evil negative temptations.

Creeds and various believes, with the attempt to drive humanity towards goodness to improve the social and human understanding amongst people and Nations, resulted insufficient when the Evil spirits that dominate the economy with selfish programs of speculations, drive humanity towards injustice, suffering, retaliations and wars.

In the past, some important people was assisted by men of wisdom as a permanent function, to be questioned on the various problems of the society, but with the time people of Power turned away from God teachings and prayers.

Nowadays, wisdom has been replaced by armaments, and for any right or wrong decision, interpellation goes to Mafia Organizations or Army Generals as official representative of certain Evil Nations. 

Egoism, thirsty of Power, and thirsty of revenge, are the most devilish tendency of present millennium, prevailing by large on goodness, with higher destructive power that any other mass destruction armament.

The Lord have balanced all natural resources to feed the entire world. 
Men and women to procreate peacefully.   
Knowledge and truth to improve our quality of life. 
But many selfish inveterate sinners placed on key position, take advantage of own momentarily Power to take away other people share.

The world has been governed for many years by different Philosophical Politics that have spread wickedness, pollution, retaliations, wars and dead.

To save our world from a total defeat that have highly corroded the human moral of the society, shall be auspicial to abolish all Political Philosophies and give way to the research of the truth with greater attention to knowledge in science, mathematics and wisdom. 

Many developed countries of our world are slippery toward the total defeat of the society, consequently to the fact that after reaching a high level of wealth surrounded by bad habits and inherent vices, are degenerating affecting the moral of the society like rust corrodes iron.

Kind regards, 
