[Disarmo] Palestine 1 - [HumanRights] PLO (OLP) have to turn back to become a REAL Palestine Liberation Organization!

Oggetto: [HumanRights] resistance festival in Nebi Saleh
Data: Sun, 14 Jan 2018 08:58:39 +0200
Mittente: Mazin Qumsiyeh <mazin at qumsiyeh.org>
A: Jure
CC: Human Rights Newsletter <humanrights at lists.qumsiyeh.org>

The PLO Central Committee composed of aged leaders f eh co-opted PLO is
meeting Today/Sunday at Al-Muqataa building in Ramallah at 6 PM. Activists
have called for demonstration starting at 5 PM in Manara square to march to
the Muqataa. They called for bringing Palestinian flags and placards
calling on the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas to end this charade.
Immediately implement reconciliation agreements and return to a
representative PLO with all Palestinian factions and end all security
collaboration with the occupiers. In other words go back to become a real
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization). Join us Today/Sunday at 5 PM at
Manara square and bring placards and flags. If we are 10 or 10,000 it is

Hundreds of us had a resistance festival in Nebi Saleh yesterday even as
the apartheid forces blocked village entrances. We visited with the
injured, and we rallied with families of the kidnapped and murdered. The
Israeli army attacked us with a barrage of poisoned tear gas. Yet another
Tamimi youth was kidnapped by the apartheid regime from his home in Nebi
Saleh. Mohammad is 19 and is cousin to Ahed 17 who is still held in Israeli
prisons. And two more youths were murdered by the same terrorist army. Here
is a video that summarized the plight of of Nebi Saleh and the Tamimui
family: https://youtu.be/yV1HwG1_phs

But information is finally getting through and the Zionists are panicking
(hence trying to stifle free speech via laws both in “Israel” and in
Western Countries where the Zionist lobbies are active subverting people
interest for special interest. Here are some interesting news:

'There is no justice in Israel — it’s always postponed': The Nawara family
expected to hear the sentence of the Israeli soldier who killed their son,
Nadeem. Instead, they were forced to sit quietly while the soldier’s lawyer
argued that it was not his client but Nadeem who was guilty of a crime.

 Over 850 Israeli soldiers did break the silence and tell us about what
they were ordered to do by the fascist Israeli regime:

Death still approaches: Over the past decade there has been a proliferation
of personal essays and book-length accounts by writers who have visited the
Occupied Territories. Their aim has been to illuminate for a mainly Western
audience issues previously ignored, or over-simplified, in the media of
their home countries, and thereby to reframe international perceptions of
the Palestinian people.

Where is the #MeToo movement for Ahed Tamimi. By Ariel Gold and Taylor
Morley http://mondoweiss.net/2017/12/where-movement-tamimi/

'You Want a Girl? How Many?': Tapes Reveal How Right-wing Group Tried to
Make East Jerusalem Jewish Right-wing groups often used coercion tactics to
acquire Palestinian property in East Jerusalem

Stop Deportations and Grant Asylum to African Refugees In Israel

Stay Human

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
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