[Disarmo] Mazin Qumsiyeh from Palestina - [HumanRights] Memorial and more

Oggetto: [HumanRights] Memorial and more
Data: Mon, 4 Sep 2017 17:54:17 +0300
Mittente: Mazin Qumsiyeh <mazin at qumsiyeh.org>
A: Jure Ellero LT <glry at ngi.it>
CC: Human Rights Newsletter <humanrights at lists.qumsiyeh.org>

Practice random kindness, and senseless acts of beauty

We now scheduled memorial for our friend and great humanitarian Qavi
(Mohammad Abdul Qavi) to be held 5 PM Friday October 6th at the Palestine
Museum of Natural History (palestinenature.org/visit) and later in London.
Please mark your calendar and confirm your attendance (whether you knew him
personally or not, he is worth remembering). Qavi’s daughters and many of
his friends and students he supported will be there (& let us know if you
need a place to stay). An obituary is now posted here:
Qavi death announcement was posted earlier here
(both links have photos)

Israeli forces demolish West Bank school hours before children's first day

Sweeping newcomer winner of the 2012 Amsterdam-Filmfestival for
documentaries, "Propaganda" by the New Zeelender Slavko Martinov (spoof as
if made by North Korea)
TEDx Christchurch/NZ speech about his film

How Israel is turning Palestinian into Zionists

Racism is one and the same whether in the USA or in Israel or any other
country. One aspect of this is the shared mythologies of uniqueness and us
(white people, Jews etc). For example I highly recommend you read and
contrast the analysis of how racists invented the notion of whiteness as a
race or a people (see Theodore W Allen’s The Invention of the White Race)
and the notion of Jewishness as a ‘race’ or a ‘people’ (see Shlomo Sand’s
The invention of the Jewish people). But the world is waking up. What helps
is the aggressive near paranoid attempts by Zionists to create sectarian
strife in the Arab world (including creation of an Islamic Sunni State to
replace secular states and thus make a Jewish state more normal). It helps
because it is backfiring and more and more people are becoming educated,
developing knowledge of Arabs and Islam etc. The regressive and repressive
Arab regimes like ‘Saudi Arabia’ are under pressure. There is further
weaknesses as the US (under Israeli lobby) fails to dictate policy whether
to Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia. We face global double threats of
climate change (see floods in the US and SE Asia) and nuclear war. If we do
not wake-up as a species, we will go extinct.

“Against the efficient and complex Israeli apparatuses stand the
Palestinians with a host of competing leaders, conflicting strategies,
uncoordinated government ministries, information that isn’t public
knowledge and is not accurate, the tiresome duplication of institutions
whose work overlaps, the empty slogans and despair. One _expression_ of this
despair is the declaration that Israel is the strong one, therefore change
can and must come only from Israel. But no; Israelis have no interest in
changing the situation. We benefit from it. The initial change can and must
come from the Palestinians themselves, in their own home.” Amira Hass,

Stay Human

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
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