Bureau of Industry and Security

*ll presidente Barack Obama ha nominato Amanda Simpson - una donna transessuale che ha lavorato per l'azienda bellica Raytheon per più di 30 anni - come Consigliere Tecnico del Dipartimento Commercio dell'Industria e Sicurezza per controllare l' esportazioni della tecnologia militare degli Stati Uniti.

Bureau of Industry and Security

Bureau of Industry and Security:* President Barack Obama nominated Amanda Simpson -- a transgender woman who has worked at military contractor Raytheon <http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00097568&cycle=2010> for more than 30 years -- for a post within the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security, where she will monitor the exports of U.S. weapons technology, ABC News reports <http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/amanda-simpson-transgender-presidential-appointee-begins-work-commerce/story?id=9477161&page=2>. Simpson served as a delegate pledged to Obama's 2008 Democratic Party presidential rival Hillary Clinton <http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/summary.php?cid=N00000019&cycle=2008> during the Democratic National Convention, and in 2006, she lost a bid for a seat in the Arizona state legislature as the Democratic Party's nominee. At Raytheon, she helped convince the company to add gender identity and gender expression to its equal employment opportunity policy. She is the first openly transgender person appointed by President Obama. A Center for Responsive Politics review of federal campaign contribution records shows she contributed $500 to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords <http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00027829&cycle=2010> (D-Ari.) in 2006, and $573 to the Democratic Party of Arizona in 2008.

*DITCHING THE "SCARLET L" OF LOBBYING:* Arthur Delaney at the /Huffington Post/ writes about <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/06/lobbyings-new-frontier-no_n_411639.html> two former lobbyists desire to ditch the "scarlet L" associated with their trade. Brien Bonneville <http://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/lobbyist.php?lname=Bonneville%2C+Brien&id=Y00000283490&year=2009> and Larry Mitchell <http://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/lobbyist.php?lname=Mitchell%2C+Larry&id=Y00000075320&year=2009>, Delaney writes, have moved on from their lobbying shop KSCW Inc. <http://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/firmsum.php?lname=KSCW+Inc&year=2009>, which reported $1.2 million in earnings this year through September, and founded a new "non-lobbying entity": K Street Research. "We're not lobbying. We're doing policy research," Bonneville told the /Huffington Post/. "We're almost like a small newspaper," he added. And with the new name and new duties, they will assist clients with research - without the disclosure requirements of registered lobbyists. At least on ethics lawyer told the /Huffington Post/ that this is a very, very fine line. "If Corporation XYZ hires Research Firm A to prepare materials to support the in-house lobbying of Corporation XYZ, the expenses are required to be reported by the corporation regardless of whether the research firm separately meets the requirement of a lobbying firm," said Ken Gross <http://www.opensecrets.org/revolving/rev_summary.php?id=11639>. And CRP's Communication Director Dave Levinthal said the new effort still smelled like an attempt to influence the legislative process. "This is definitely an effort to help private interests to navigate political channels to their benefit," he said. "Whether it's called lobbying in the traditional sense of lobbying or something else, the goal is similar if not the same."

*WHAT NEXT FOR DODD, DORGAN & THEIR SEATS?:* The dust is still settling from the recent announcements of Democratic Sens. Byron Dorgan <http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00004615&cycle=2010> (D-N.D.) and Chris Dodd <http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00000581&cycle=2010> (D-Conn.) that each would retire at the end of the term and not seek re-election. In Connecticut, Democratic Attorney General Richard Blumenthal <http://www.courant.com/news/politics/hc-richard-blumenthal-chris-dodd-0106,0,2997693.story> has announced he will enter the fray in Dodd's absence. In North Dakota, Republican Gov. John Hoeven is expected <http://www.politico.com/blogs/scorecard/0110/Hoeven_planning_to_run_for_the_Senate.html> to enter the ring, and the North Dakota Democratic Party has reached out to <http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/01/ed-schultz-north-dakota-dems-have-asked-me-to-run-for-senate.php> former Prairie State resident Ed Schultz, the progressive MSNBC host who was a local broadcaster in Fargo for more than a decade, to see if he might run for Dorgan's seat. Use OpenSecrets.org's congressional race profiles <http://www.opensecrets.org/races/index.php> to track the money race <http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=NDS1&cycle=2010> in each state <http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.php?id=CTS2&cycle=2010>. Kate Sheppard at /Mother Jones/ notes <http://motherjones.com/mojo/2010/01/will-revolving-door-take-dorgan-coal-country> that Dorgan, himself, mentions a desire <http://dorgan.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=321298> to work in the private sector on energy policy after he leaves office, and she asks if the coal lobby will be Dorgan's next home. Dodd, meanwhile, has yet to specify what's next in his future. Where do you think Dodd and Dorgan will end up?
