Adesso tocca alla Bielorussia (3) (Fwd) [JUGOINFO]

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Date sent:      	Wed,  5 Sep 2001 11:46:33 +0200 
Subject:        	[JUGOINFO] Adesso tocca alla Bielorussia (3) 
From:           	"jugocoord at"<jugocoord at> 

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Tough Measures Justified in Belarus by Jared Israel [3 September 

"A spokesman for the US Embassy in Minsk told The Times that the 
embassy helped to fund 300 non-governmental organisations 
(NGOs), including non-state media, but did not fund political parties, 
since that is banned by law. He admitted that some of the NGOs 
were linked to those who were 'seeking political change.' 

"[Ambassador Kozak wrote to a British newspaper that] America's 
'objective and to some degree methodology are the same' in Belarus 
as in Nicaragua, where the US backed the Contras against the left-
wing Sandinista Government in a war that claimed at least 30,000 
lives." [From article in "The Times" (UK), 3 September 2001, posted 

" 'The Times' article tells us that now-Ambassador-to-Belarus Kozak 
was: "Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American 
Affairs...working in Panama, Nicaragua and El Salvador, and...was 
serving in Nicaragua [when] Mr. Reagan famously compared the 
Contras to the French Resistance fighters." [One of many of the 
amazing lies the U.S. government spread about Nicaragua.] " 

"Kozak was therefore of necessity intimately involved with the 
organization and direction of the death squads in Nicaraguan and El 

--- Victor Olevich, a Philadelphia reader, sent us the article from 'The 
Times'(UK) which is posted below. 

Mr. Olevich commented that it is "one of the bluntest I've seen in 
recent months;" and so it seems to me as well. With this 'Times' 
article, the cards are on the table: U.S. Ambassador to Belarus, 
Michael Kozak, has now admitted that the U.S. is pursuing a 
'Nicaraguan' policy in Belarus. 

( ..............snip............... ) 


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Giorgio Ellero 
<glr.y at> - <glry at>   