Newsletter Anno 3, n. 16 - 15 settembre 2005

Anno 3, n. 16  - 15 settembre 2005

A cura di Gabriele Sospiro
Con la collaborazione di:
Olivier Gbezera
Anna Kucma Ozerim




Dopo l'esperienza della scorsa primavera durante la quale organizzammo un
corso di aggiornamento on line sulle tematiche migratorie cui hanno
partecipato tra gli altri Livio Pepino, Giovanni Mottura, Maurizio
Ambrosini, Filippo Miraglia, abbiamo deciso di riprovarci arricchendo
ulteriormente la nostra offerta! Nelle prossime settimane vi faremo avere
senz'altro ulteriori informazioni. Intanto vi anticipiamo il fatto che
riprenderemo sicuramente il corso di aggiornamento sull'immigrazione. Oltre
a questo abbiamo anche previsto un corso on line sulla cooperazione
internazionale ed un altro per aspiranti giornalisti rivolto esclusivamente
agli immigrati.
Per maggiori informazioni scrivete una email indirizzata a
segreteria at con nell'oggetto il corso di interesse:

After the last spring experience during which we set up an on line course
dealing with issues regarding migration in which participated between the
others Livio Pepino, Giovanni Mottura, Maurizio Ambrosini, Filippo Miraglia,
we made our mind up to repeat it enriching our offer! The coming weeks we
will let you have more information. In the meanwhile we anticipate you that
we will take up again the course on immigration. Beyond this we have
foreseen also a course on line regarding international cooperation and an
other for aspirants journalists that is directed exclusively at immigrants.
For further information write an email to segreteria at with
in the object the interested course: IMMIGRATION, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION,

Il Circolo Culturale Africa organizza per i prossimi mesi dei viaggi di
conoscenza in Etiopia, terra di grande fascino per la sua gente e la sua
cultura. Abbiamo previsto partenze e tragitti differenziati in modo da
soddisfare diverse esigenze sia in termini di date che di costi. La data
della prima partenza è prevista per venerdì 28 ottobre con ritorno 6
novembre, la seconda va dal 2 al 12 dicembre e la terza infine dal 3 al 12
gennaio 2006. Per maggiori
informazioni scrivete una email a: segreteria at indicando
nell'oggetto "VIAGGIO IN ETIOPIA" e l'eventuale data di interesse.

The Cultural Circle Africa organizes for the next months some travels to
Ethiopia, earth of great fascination for its people and its culture. We have
foreseen different departures and ways so to satisfy various requirements in
terms of dates and of costs. The date of the first departure is foreseen for
Fridays the 28 of October with return 6 of November, the second one goes
from 2 to 12 of December and third finally from 3 to 12 of January. For
further information write an email to: segreteria at
indicating in the object "TRAVEL TO ETHIOPIA" and the eventual date of

Ciao! Lo scorso weekend sono stato a Terni per l'incontro dell'ONU dei
giovani, e poi ho fatto la Marcia della Pace da Perugia ad Assisi. E' stata
un'occasione per i giovani per incontrarne altri impegnati in questo ambito,
in modo da scambiare esperienze e di esprimere  le loro opinioni, qualche
giorno prima del vertice storico dei capi di stati a New  York, per la
riforma dell'ONU.
Durante questi giorni ho avuto l'opportunità di sentire le testimonianze di
giovani che lavorano su diversi aspetti dello sviluppo, della giustizia
sociale, dell'ambiente... e che hanno incontrato delle situazioni difficili
facendolo, quindi che agiscono concretamente invece che soltanto lamentarsi
o protestare. Devo dire che sono abbastanza scettico di coloro che vogliono
cambiare il mondo, quindi è stata una bella esperienza vedere questi giovani
che provano a cambiare se stessi e a migliorare la situazione al loro
livello. Le testimonianze di ragazzi e ragazze venuti dalla  Columbia, dal
Guatemala, dal Ciad o dal Kenya sono state cruciali per dare un viso ai
problemi che vogliamo risolvere. Soprattutto, sentire un ragazzo iraniano
parlare della guerra durata 8 anni che ha colpito il suo paese ed il suo
appello contro altre nuove guerre è stato un segnale emotivamente intenso
dello scopo esatto di questi incontri e delle vere conseguenze delle
politiche mondiali, che purtroppo dimentichiamo ogni tanto.
Sabato siamo poi andati a Perugia,  ho visto l'ultima serata dell'ONU dei
popoli, con altre testimonianze, e con la presentazione dei risultati
dell'ONU dei giovani. Le testimonianze erano intense! Fare la Marcia
domenica con altre 200.000 persone venute da tutta l'Italia e  non solo per
una buona causa è stata un'esperienza forte.
Insomma, questo è stato un momento importante per me, vedere l'impegno di
tante persone e la loro volontà di cambiare le cose e di migliorare il
mondo. Però devo dire che sono ancora un po' scettico riguardando il vero
effetto di incontri di questo genere, ma basterebbe che ci fosse solo il 5%
dei partecipanti  che è veramente convinto della causa e che lavora in
maniera concreta per iniziare a cambiare le cose, a lungo termine.
Ovviamente, mi ha anche fatto ragionare sul mio impegno personale, che è
quasi nullo, e sulle mie opinioni su diversi soggetti, cioè lo sviluppo,
l'ambiente, l'immigrazione... allora posso dire che solo per questo fatto
ossia camminare 24 chilometri e dormire 4 ore in tre notti in una palestra
ne è valsa la pena!
Hi there! These days I participated at the Youth UN meeting in Terni, and
then at the Marcia della Pace ( Peace March ) from Perugia to Assisi. This
meeting was an opportunity for young people to meet each other, to share
their experiences and especially to express their views and opinions on
important subjects, a couple of days before the historic United Nations
meeting in New-York.
I had the opportunity to hear testimonies from young people actually working
on such issues and having dealt with difficult situations, as opposed to
just complaining and marching against them. I must admit that I have a
tendency to be skeptical of all those who want to change the world, so it
was a good thing to see some of them actually trying to change themselves
and to make the situation around them better. The testimonies of young
coming from Colombia, Guatemala, Chad, Kenya and other countries were also
crucial in giving a face to the problems we wish to solve. Most notably,
hearing an Iranian talking about the eight-year war that he witnessed and
his plea against new ones was an emotional reminder of the real consequences
of world politics and of the exact purpose of these meetings, something we
sometimes tend to forget.
Then, on Saturday, we moved to Perugia, where I witnessed interventions from
those participating at the People's UN meeting there, as well the
presentation of the results of our meeting in Terni. Testimonies were
intense, and taking part in the 200 000 strong March on Sunday was quite an
experience, seeing so many people come from all over Italy and further for a
good cause.
Anyway, this was an important moment for me, witnessing the people's
engagement and their will to make things better. I must say that I am still
a little bit skeptical of the actual effects of such meeting and rallies,
but I think that even if 5 % of all the participants all really convinced of
the cause and are working actively for it, it might be enough to start
making a difference in the future. Of course, it made me think about my own
level of engagement, which is close to none, as well as some ideas that I
had about development, social justice, environment, immigration.So just for
that the 24 kilometer march and the three nights of sleeping 4 hours in a
gymnasium were really worth it !

Hello, from Thursday to Saturday we were taking part in "L'ONU dei giovani"
in Terni, which was quite a big meeting of young people from all over the
world. There were people from Africa, South America, and of course from
Europe. The main issues of this get-together was peace, democracy and the
situation of young people in today's reality.
There were also many interesting events, like exhibitions, concerts or
parties. Even if I didn't understand everything about what they were talking
about and that I usually don't go to such meetings, I liked it, because it
was a new experience for me, especially sleeping in a palestra. It was
really interesting to observe people, who were together, talking about
things that are important to them.
On Saturday we went to Perugia, where there was also a big meeting and some
concerts which I liked very much, what is more I had a possibility to see
this beautiful city.
In Sunday morning we took part in the "March for Peace", 24 km from Perugia
to Assisi...I was surprised that so many people were doing this march, they
were walking with flags with all the colors of the rainbow, singing and they
were united in a common purpose. I think that it is really good that they
don't stay passive, that they try and that they want to change something.
It was the first march like this for me and I am very happy that I was
participating in it.


Ieri sera sono stato ad un incontro organizzato e promosso dal Comune di
Ancona, a seguito dell'ONU dei Popoli a Perugia e dell'ONU dei giovani a
Terni, e che ha visto la partecipazione di rappresentanti (Coumba Traoré,
Pierrette Djouwé, Odur Ongden, Aurelien Atidegla) di associazioni dal
Senegal, dal Benin e dal Kenya. E' stato un'occasione per proseguire col
discorso di pace, di sviluppo e di speranza che è stato divulgato a Terni, a
Perugia ed alla Marcia della Pace.
Tutte gli interventi sono stati interessanti, trattando i diversi aspetti
dello sviluppo (ruolo delle donne, sfruttamento delle risorse da parte delle
multinazionali, educazione, rimborso del debito.), ma è anche importante
sottolineare i punti comuni fra i diversi ospiti. Vogliono tutti una
migliore rappresentazione dei popoli nell'ONU, e sperano che la riforma
permetterà all'istituzione di diventare una istituzione che lavora per la
gente, e non per gli stati, soprattutto quelli più potenti. Come a Terni ed
a Perugia, hanno insisto sull'importanza dell'educazione come unico mezzo
per garantire uno sviluppo a lungo termine, l'uguaglianza e la giustizia
sociale. Questa è anche essenziale, perché come hanno spiegato gli ospiti
con metafore eloquenti, la povertà non è caduta dal cielo, non è una
caratteristica dell'Africa ma è stata creata e sostenta dai governi
occidentali, dalle multinazionali e dal commercio mondiale, ed è stata
peggiorata da capi di stati africani corrotti, che lavorano con loro.
Forse l'aspetto più importante e su cui hanno tutti insisto è fatto che non
chiedono la carità. Chiedono l'assistenza per progetti che esistono già,
per avere dei risultati a lungo termine e sperare cosi, prima o poi, di non
averne più bisogno. Purtroppo, molto spesso capita che l'aiuto crea una
cultura di passività, creando una dipendenza dalla politica esterna dei
paesi del nord.
Questo incontro è stato un buon seguito degli incontri di Terni e di
Perugia, offrendo l'opportunità a quanti non hanno potuto spostarsi di
sentire quello che à stato detto in questi giorni. Era anche importante
sentire le voce di quelli che vengono da paesi che soffrono la maggior
ingiustizia internazionale e che lavorano per combatterla, che ci portano un
messaggio di speranza e che combattono ogni giorno per quello che a noi in
Occidente ci sembra dato per scontato.

Yesterday I went to a meeting organized by the Comune of Ancona as a
follow-up to the People's United Nations in Perugia, with the participation
of representatives (Coumba Traore, Pierrette Djouwé, Aurelien Atidegla, Odur
Ongden) from associtaions in Senegal, Benin, and Kenya. It was a good
initiative to keep going forward the message of development and hope that
was spread around in Perugia and during the Peace March.
As much as all interventions were interesting and focused on various
development issues (women's role, resource exploitation by multinationals,
education, debt reimbursement...), it was as much important to see the
common points of view on various topics. All plead for a better
representativity of the people in the UN, as all hope that it will reform
itself in order to become an institution more concerned about them and less
about the states (especially the most powerful ones). The importance of
education was stressed upon, as well as during the meetings in Perugia and
Terni, as the only way to reach long-term development, equality and justice.
The latter was as important, as the participants insisted by using eloquent
metaphors, on the fact that poverty was not a natural condition of Africa,
but a created and sustained one by occidental governments, multinationals
and international trade, and worsened by corrupt African leaders, who work
hand in hand with them.
But maybe the most important was that all stressed the fact that charity is
not what is asked for. What is needed is concrete assistance to local
projects that already exist,  in order to have long term benefits and
hopefully, sooner than later, not need it anymore. But unfortunately, most
aid programs create an assistance culture, thus inducing further reliance on
foreign politics.
This meeting was a good follow-up to the meetings in Terni and Perugia, as
it provided the opportunity to some to catch up on what was said and to hear
the voices of those whose people suffer the most of international injustice
but work the hardest against it, and that bring us a message of hope and
fight everyday for what we, living in Western countries, take for granted.


Ciao! Mi chiamo Anna e sono arrivata ad Ancona da Cracovia per rimanere qui
un anno.
Cracovia è una città molto bella, con molti monumenti e posti da vedere; ci
sono anche molti pubs e cafès; tutti possono divertirsi e godersi la città.
Ho appena terminato il mio primo anno di Relazioni Internazionali alla
"Tischner European University" a Cracovia.
Spero di imparare molte cose interessanti durante quest'anno, visitare nuovi
luoghi in Italia e, naturalmente collaborare con il Circolo Africa nel suo
lavoro. Sono impaziente di collaborare al Festival di Cinema Africano.
Probabilmente quest'anno rappresenterà una grande avventura, perciò aspetto
di vedere cosa accadrà ogni giorno!

Hello! My name is Anna and I have just arrived in Ancona from Cracovia in
order to remain one year here. Krakow is a beautiful city, with many
monuments and places to see; there are also many pubs and cafés; everybody
can enjoy the city. I have just finished my first year of International
relations at the "Tischner European University" of Krakow. I hope to learn
many interesting things during this year, to visit new places in Italy and,
naturally to collaborate with the Africa Circle in its job. I am impatient
to collaborate to the African movie festival. Probably this year will
represent a great adventure, therefore aspect to see what will happen every

This year in Poland, September and October will be election time. On 25th of
September there are parliamentary elections in which Poles, out of 11000
candidates will elect  460 new Members of Parliament and 100 Senators and on
the 9th of October they will elect a new president. Poland is divided into
40 electoral wards.
The parties that have the biggest chances to get into Parliament are :
Platforma Obywatelska (with 35% of support), Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (with
22%), Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (10%), Liga Polskich Rodzin (10%) and
Samoobrona (4%). Platforma Obywatelska is right of center formation, PiS is
righting formation, SLD represents left of the center, LPR is ultra right
and Samoobrona is ultra left.
The Presidential election will probably be won by Donald Tusk from PO with
46.7% of support. Other candidates are: Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz from SLD
with 19.7% , Lech Kaczynski from PiS with 17.8%, there are more candidates
but they don't have much chances.
There are many debates in television, radio and newspapers these days in
Poland, but as usually I think that not many Poles are going to vote
because, like always in Poland in such occasions, it appears many political
justice and crimes, debates are full of  wheeling and dealing and people are
fed up with it. New President should have a "pure" past and curriculum
vitae, unfortunately on the list of candidates there are few persons who are
like this, it is very important on account of  the Polish past.
If someone who is abroad wants to vote, he has to register in the Polish
Embassy or Consulate not later than 3 days before parliamentary elections
and 5 days before presidential election. Letter of application should
contain name and surname, fathers name, date of  birth, place of residence,
number of Polish passport or Identity Card, place and date of its edition
and PESEL number. It can be made by phone, e-mail, fax, telegraph or by
yourself, to register you have to call the polish consulate, whose number is
:  +39 06 362  043 00, e- mail:  konsul at
In Italy there is the possibility to vote in Rome, at the Polish Embassy,
via P.P. Rubens 20, or in the Polish Consulate, via San Valentino 12 and in
Milano, Corso Varcelli 56, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The major breakthrough for Africa in the United Nations High-Level Panel's
work was the recognition of the role of regional institutions in the context
of global peace and security.
This process was aided in no small measure by the insistence of the three
Africans on the panel that an exception should be made of an earlier
decision that all panel meetings be held only in countries that host the
headquarters of UN organisations, and for a regular meeting to convene in
Addis Ababa, the seat of the African Union.
The African panel members -- Tanzanian Salim Ahmed Salim, the former
secretary general of the Organisation of African Unity; Egyptian Amre
Moussa, the Secretary General of the Arab League; and myself, a Ghanaian
national -- believed that the voice of Africa had up until then been muted.
Several capitals had taken the initiative and committed resources to the
organisation of seminars, symposia and workshops to which panel members had
been invited to participate to hear diverse views.
In addition, civil society organisations and other NGOs in regions other
than Africa had organised similar gatherings. Our fear was that the special
concerns of Africa, as perceived by Africans themselves, would be completely
lost in the barrage of opinions with which the panel was inundated.
We addressed a joint letter to the AU, which invited the heads of African
sub-regional institutions to tell their own story of their experiences and
evolving conflict- resolution mechanisms.
At the Addis meeting in April last year, the panel was extremely impressed
with the arrangements currently in place for conflict resolution in Africa,
fashioned under the umbrella of the AU.
The Addis Ababa meeting had another purpose. Again, on the insistence of the
Africans on the panel, a forum was held on the sidelines of the meeting to
solicit the views of African civil society. The refreshing ideas that
emanated from the gathering informed many of the conclusions in the report.
The issue that should be confronted, however, is how to ensure that African
public opinion would, in future, be adequately reflected in similar
The panel secretariat established an Internet website to solicit public
opinion on the remit of the panel. For obvious reasons of lack of sufficient
access to cyberspace, African input was very minimal.
We Africans on the panel were approached, as were other members, by
governments from other regions outside Africa that deemed it important to
convince us of their particular stand on the issues. Their ambassadors did
not leave us alone when we were in our own countries.
African leadership, in contrast, largely ignored the exercise, and did not
make any effort to proffer any views to us. We did our best, under the
circumstances, and took the initiative to garner ideas whenever the
opportunity arose. In that sense, we suffered a certain degree of
The African media were also largely uninterested. The High-Level Panel was
not considered to be newsworthy. There was very little we could do since
there was a gagging order in force on members' direct inter-action with the
press, in order to obviate leaks from our deliberations -- not that this did
not occur.
It is important that African voices are heard early during the formulation
of reports such as ours, rather than at the end of the process, only to be
confronted with a fait accompli, and at that futile stage to attempt to
introduce changes at the margins, on the defensive.
Africa clearly has pressing bread and butter issues that absorb most of the
time of our leaders on the continent. There is, however, no justification
for largely ignoring an exercise, the outcome of which is expected to make
significant changes to the international political and socio-economic
architecture, and introduce a new model for global governance that will
affect the lives of Africa's 850-million people.

Mary Chinery-Hesse was a member of the United Nations High-Level Panel and
is a former deputy director general of the Inter-national Labour

Source: mail&guardian on line

A Prato, nell'anno scolastico che sta per cominciare, ci sarà una prima
classe elementare, l'unica dell'istituto Marco Polo, composta interamente da
bambini stranieri: molti cinesi, accanto a piccoli pachistani, indiani,
albanesi e sudamericani.
Lo ha reso noto Rosita Mattei, presidente della Circoscrizione centro, dove
si trova la scuola elementare. Nel quartiere, infatti, vivono moltissime
famiglie di immigrati e gli iscritti alla prima, una ventina di bambini
provengono da questi nuclei stranieri. L'istituto Marco Polo non è del tutto
nuovo ad esperienze di questo tipo: due anni fa fu infatti sperimentata una
classe di scuola superiore cinese.
Ma una prima elementare in cui molti bambini non parlano l'italiano e
dovranno imparare a leggere e a scrivere è un fatto inedito. "La scuola ci
manda un sos - ha spiegato la presidente Mattei - perché non è in grado di
affrontare da sola una simile situazione: lavoreremo per il 2006 per
progetti di formazione specifici per questo caso, avendo un occhio di
riguardo per questa scuola e questa classe".
Ma quali sono questi progetti che favoriscono l'integrazione scolastica
degli studenti stranieri?
"Privilegiamo - spiegano i dirigenti delle strutture scolastiche locali -
gli interventi d'insegnamento dell'italiano come seconda lingua, attraverso
il coinvolgimento sempre più massiccio di facilitatori linguistici che
operano direttamente nelle scuole".



In Prato, in the scholastic year that nearly to begin, there will be one
primary class, the only one at the Marco Polo institute, composed entire b
foreign children: many Chinese, together with Pakistanis, Indians, Albanians
and South Americans kids. According to Rosita Mattei, president of the
Circoscrizione center, where the elementary school is located. In the
neighborhood, in fact, live many immigrants families and the kids registered
come from these foreign nuclei. The institute Marco Polo is not new to
experiences of this type: two years ago in fact a secondary class of Chinese
was experienced. But a primary class in which many children do not speak the
Italian and they will have to learn to read and to write is an inedited
fact. "the school sends us a s.o.s.  - Mattei has explained - because it is
not in a position to facing alone a similar situation: we will work for a
2006 for specific plans of formation for this case, taking care of this
school and this class ". But which are these plans that favor scholastic
integration of the foreign students? "We privilege - the leaders of the
local scholastic structures explain - the interventions of instruction of
the Italian as a second language, through the more and more massive
involvement of linguistics facilitators that operate directly in the


A Bangui, l'ultimo viaggio all'estero del Presidente Bozizé ha sollevato
delle obiezioni, soprattutto al riguardo del suo costo. Il Presidente è
andato a Parigi, per la seconda volta da luglio, per incontrare il ministro
per la cooperazione per la Francofonia Mrs Brigitte Girardin. Dopo di che
proseguirà per a New York per l'assemblea generale dell'ONU.
Anche se questo viaggio potrebbe essere un'opportunità per chiedere
assistenza per il paese impoverito e per fare sentire la sua voce livello
internazionale, sembra che il costo sia molto superiore a qualsiasi
vantaggio visto che ammonta a 233.000 euro, per il Presidente e la sua
Alcuni hanno alzato la voce contro questo costo, e sul buonsenso del
viaggio, vista la situazione attuale del paese. I funzionari sono spesso
senza stipendio per diversi mesi, gli studenti ricevono le loro borse di
studio irregolarmente, ed il servizio pubblico non è in grado di rispondere
alle aspettative della popolazione. Ad esempio, questi 233.000 euro
avrebbero potuto pagare lo stipendio mensile di 3.000 funzionari.


Questions are rising in Bangui over President Bozizé's trip to Paris and to
New-York, for the United Nation's summit, and moreover over the cost of the
trip. It is the President's second trip in France since July, this time to
meet the French delegate minister of Cooperation and Francophony, Mrs
Brigitte Girardin.
Even though this trip represents an opportunity to seek foreign assistance
for the impoverished country and to make its voice heard on the
international level, its cost itself seems to outweigh whatever benefits it
may bring. The estimated cost is of 233.000 euros, for the President himself
as well as for the delegation traveling with him.
Questions have thus risen, regarding the good sense of such a costly trip in
a country where public workers go several months without being paid, where
students receive their grants on a irregular basis and where the public
service is unable to cope with the population's  demands. For example, these
233.000 euros could have paid the monthly salary of about 3000 public

Si terrà a partire dal 26 settembre la settimana africana nella città di
Fano in provincia di Pesaro-Urbino. L'evento promosso e organizzato dalla
locale sede di Chiama l'Africa intende costituire un momento di confronto e
di sensibilizzazione. Sono previsti dibattiti e momenti conviviali.

Per maggiori info:
tel. 0721 865159
info at


Starting from September the 26 there will be kept the African week in the
city of Fano in province of Pesaro-Urbino. The event promoted and organized
by the local center of Chiama l'Africa means to constitute a moment of
sensibilization and comparison. They are foreseen debates and convivial
moments. For further info:
tel. 0721 865159
info at


Il numero 16 di questa newsletter è stato spedito a 11.486 indirizzi, per
segnalazioni e suggerimenti scrivete a segreteria at

I prossimi numeri usciranno:
27 settembre,
11 e 25 ottobre.

The number 16 of this newsletter has been sent out to 11.486 addresses.

For suggestions please contact:

Circolo Culturale Africa
via San Spiridione, 5/a
60100 Ancona
Tel. +39/071/2072585
Web site:


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