Newsletter Anno 3, n. 13 - 21 luglio 2005

Anno 3, n. 13  - 21 luglio 2005

A cura di Gabriele Sospiro
Con la collaborazione di:
Piotr Alichniewicz
Olivier Gbezera
Mehmet Gokay Ozerim




Il Circolo Culturale Africa è un'associazione di italiani e africani che
opera nella città di Ancona, in Italia. L'obiettivo principale
dell'associazione - affiliata all'ARCI - è quello di contribuire alla
consapevolezza dei problemi collegati al rapporto tra il Nord e il Sud del
mondo, immigrazione e i temi interculturali, a quelli relativi al commercio
equo, alla cooperazione internazionale ecc. Promuovendo la pace, il rispetto
dei diritti umani, e la cooperazione tra persone in tutti i campi
l'associazione prova a promuovere una battaglia civile contro ogni segno di
ignoranza, intolleranza, razzismo ed alienazione. L'organizzazione coopera
da anni con altri gruppi di volontari ed organizzazioni no-profit locali al
fine di incoraggiare la diffusione di una cultura della vera comunicazione
in cui il dialogo e le relazioni interpersonali siano le principali risorse
di una cittadinanza attiva.
The Cultural Club 'Africa' is an association of Italians and Africans that
operates in the city of Ancona, in Italy. The main objective of the
association - affiliated to the ARCI - is to contribute to the knowledge of
the problems connected to the North and South relationship, immigration and
intercultural topics, to those related to the fair trade, to the
international cooperation etc. By promoting peace, human rights, and
cooperation between people in all the fields, the association tries to
promote a civil battle against every sign of ignorance, intolerance, racism
and alienation. The organization cooperates since long time with other
groups of volunteers and local not profit organizations with the aim to
encourage the spread of a culture of true communication in which the
interpersonal dialogue and relations are the main resources of an active

Il Centro di Documentazione e Ricerca per la Cittadinanza Attiva è aperto il
Martedì e Giovedì dalle 10 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00. Se avete
libri da proporre così che noi possiamo acquistarli fatecelo sapere! Presso
il Centro potrete inoltre avvalervi (su prenotazione telefonica) di
consulenza su tesi di laurea e ricerche riguardanti immigrazione ed economia
politica, su tematiche inerenti il terzo settore e il volontariato, etc.
Per contatti ed eventuali prenotazioni 071/2072585
The Center of Documentation and Research for the Active Citizenship is
opened Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 18.00. If you have
any books to propose so that we can buy them please let us know. At the
Center you will be able moreover to take advantage (previous telephone
reservation) of advising on bachelor thesis and researches regarding
immigration and political economy, on thematic inherent the not profit and
the voluntary service, etc.
For contacts and eventual reservations 071/2072585

I came to Italy almost eight months ago - 1 december 2004. Right now these
days are my finall days in Italy, only two weeks left. As you know I'm on
EVS project in Circolo Africa, I'm here with two others volunteers. One from
Belgium and one from Turkey. It's very interesting to work with people from
different countries and cultures. Everyone of us have different ideas how to
resolve our problems and how to improve our work.
First days in Ancona were quite difficult for me. I dind't know the
city and the language.
It was also Christams time, my first Christmas without my family.  Also I'm
first time so far from my family and friends for such a long time.
But with every day my situation in Ancona was getting better and
better. I had a language course and I started visiting the city. With time,
I was slowly get used to italian lifestyle.  But even now, there are thing
that I never get used to like italian tv and eating hours.
During the EVS project, I've learned many new things that will be
useful in the future.
I did many thing that I never did before, like writing articles for this
newsletter for example. Also I met a lot of interesting people, with some of
them I'll be in contact even after I come back home.
For me EVS is great oportunity to learn new things. Learn about
Itlay, culture, history, language. It is also occasion to see new places and
meet many people.
Now I'm coming home, I hava no idea what I'll do in Poland. I hope to came
back to Italy one more time, maybe some day...
Bye Bye,

Last year these times, I was near to end of my university, a period of four
years full of articles, homework and writings about politics and
international relations. I love my department but after a time, I started to
need  doing  something practical furthermore theorical readings. Besides, I
had the intention of  living an overseas experience to learn more about
'other worlds'. At that time, while I was searching some ways, I met
information about European Voluntary Service and I started to search more
about it. I saw that it is a program which is designed for young people who
have the same goals with me but less opportunities. The best way of EVS was
that it offers a programme that you have the chance of choosing a project
which is suitable with your interests and also involving to the  social life
of the country  which you go 'actively' by living there in every sense.

After information, searching and application period, I found myself in
Italy-Ancona at the beginning of the December. During first three month, I
felt myself like a baby which is attracted from everything abroad because
everything comes to new and interesting( and also I didn't know any Italian
when I arrived, this can be another reason to feel like that).

My project has been focused on youth information and immigration which are
the subjects that I would like to gain experience. Moreover, ITALY is the
only country that I would like to live this experience. Certainly there have
been also some problems. But in our on-arrival training, one of our trainers
told us a reality about EVS as EVS   is not a bed made by roses. I always
thought this reality and keep my expectation in a certain level. Because EVS
is a period that you  should shape many things with your own initiatives. If
you are a person waiting everything  well prepared and certain, you may have
some troubles even EVS presents you many opportunities .

My EVS has been a period of 'first times' . First time I met with so many
people from so many countries and cultures; from Greece, Tunisia, Ghana,
Hungaria, Ethiopia etc.. First time I had found the opportunity of making so
much travel in such a short time, I participated exchanges in Austria and
Poland which  provided me possibility of idea exchange in both project
themes and YOUTH programme and also meeting with new people. First time I
have lived alone so far away from my home. First time I had drunk so much
beautiful Italian vines...

By July, I will start last month of my EVS in Italy. I guess it would be
difficult to leave a country and city that I live so many experiences .In my
return I am planning to share my these experiences in my country to spread
this opportunity to many young people who have less opportunities   as I
promised my sending organization before my departure. I advice EVS to all
young people who would like to add different dimension to their life with
different experiences.
Bye bye,

E' ancora possibile per gli immigrati residenti in Italia recarsi in
Francia? La decisione del governo francese di sospendere parte degli accordi
di Schengen sulla libera circolazione ha gettato un po' di scompiglio tra
gli stranieri in Italia che per le ferie estive hanno in programma un
viaggio Oltralpe.

È infatti grazie a quegli accordi che tutti gli immigrati titolari di un
permesso di soggiorno in corso di validità nel nostro Paese, tranne i
richiedenti asilo, possono spostarsi per turismo nell'area Schengen, quindi
anche in Francia, senza chiedere visti d'ingresso. Bastano il passaporto e
il permesso di soggiorno.
Per fronteggiare l'emergenza terrorismo, la Francia ha solo ripristinato i
controlli alla frontiera. Il resto degli accordi di Schengen, compresa la
libera circolazione degli immigrati regolari, rimane in vigore.

Is it still possible for immigrants who live in Italy going to France? The
decision of the French government to suspend part of the agreements of
Schengen regarding the free circulation has thrown a little disorder between
the aliens in Italy who have in program to go to France this summer
holidays. It is in fact thanks to those agreements that all the immigrants
who hold a valid permit to stay - except the asylum seekers - , can travel
for tourism in all the Schengen area, therefore also in France, without
having a visa. Passport and permit to stay are enough. In order to face the
emergency related to the terrorism, France has only restored the controls to
the frontier. The rest of the agreements of Schengen, included the free
circulation of regular immigrants remains in vigor.


Ci sono ancora a disposizione alcuni posti per il viaggio che abbiamo
organizzato con destinazione Etiopia. Per maggiori
informazioni scrivete una email a: segreteria at indicando
nell'oggetto "VIAGGIO IN ETIOPIA".
There are still available some places for the travel that we have organized
to Ethiopia. For further information write an email to:
segreteria at indicating in the object "TRAVEL TO ETHIOPIA".

Oltre 5.000 civili rifugiati in Costa d'Avorio sono tornati in Liberia nelle
ultime quattro settimane grazie all'apparente miglioramento delle condizioni
di sicurezza nel loro Paese, uscito nel 2003 da 14 anni di guerra civile.
Secondo l'Alto commissariato Onu per i rifugiati (Acnur/Unhcr), il flusso
dei rimpatriati dalla Costa d'Avorio è cresciuto considerevolmente dalla
metà di giugno: nei primi cinque mesi dell'anno erano stati in totale appena
700. Gran parte dei civili rientrati, originari delle contee di Maryland e
Nimba, ha vissuto per oltre dieci anni nei distretti di Guiglo e Tabou,
nell'ovest del vicino Paese, dove sono ospitati ancora 47.000 liberiani.
Dall'inizio del programma di rimpatrio volontario, nell'ottobre scorso,
l'Acnur ha collaborato al rientro di 28.000 liberiani fuggiti in Ghana,
Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone e Costa d'Avorio; altri 189.000 rifugiati
interni sono tornati ai loro villaggi d'origine. Dopo i combattimenti
dell'estate del 2003, conclusi con l'uscita di scena dell'ex- presidente
Charles Taylor, la Liberia sta attraversando una delicata fase di
transizione in vista delle prime elezioni democratiche del dopo-guerra, in
programma il prossimo 11 ottobre.


More than 5.000 refugees have gotten back to their homes in the last four
weeks thanks to the apparently improved conditions in Liberia, country that
has come out in 2003 from 14 years of civil war.
According to UN High Commissioner for the Refugees (Acnur/Unhcr), the flow
of repatriates from the Ivory Coast has grown considerable from the half of
June: in the first five months of the year they had been in total only 700.
Large part of the civilians re-enters, coming from the counties of Maryland
and Nimba, has lived for more than ten years in the districts of Guiglo and
Tabou, in the west part of the close Country, where there have been
accommodates still 47,000 Liberians. From the beginning of the program of
voluntary repatriation, last October, the Acnur has collaborated to
re-settle 28.000 Liberians who were escaped in Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria,
Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast; others 189,000 internal refugees are returned
to their villages of origin. After the battles of 2003 summer, concluded
with the exit from the scene of the former president Charles Taylor, the
Liberia is crossing a delicate phase of transition in sight of the first
democratic elections of the post-war period, in program next 11 October.

The United Nations has appealed for millions of dollars in aid from donors
to tackle an "acute humanitarian crisis" in famine- and drought-stricken
Landlocked Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, was devastated
by an invasion of locusts that ate everything green last year, followed by a
severe drought.
"We are having an acute humanitarian crisis in Niger in which children are
dying as we speak," said UN relief coordinator Jan Egeland.
He added that Niger's severe food crisis could have been prevented if the
United Nations had a reserve fund to jump-start humanitarian aid while
appeals for money were considered.
"We need a central emergency fund so that we can have some predictability,"
Egeland said. "As of now we have none."

Under funded
Charity group Oxfam said UN appeals for aid were "dangerously" under funded,
with only one third of the money needed from donors being pledged. In many
cases, the pledged money had not arrived, the agency added. the West African
The United Nations first appealed for assistance for Niger in November and
got almost no response. Another appeal for $16 million in March got about $1
The latest appeal on 25 May for $30 million has received about $10 million.
The UN "needs money now. Every day that the world's richest countries look
the other way, more people face starvation. They have to put their hands in
their pockets before it's too late", added Oxfam spokeswoman Natasha
Kafoworola Quist.

French aid
On Wednesday, a first cargo plane packed with 18 tonnes of aid left France
for the northeastern town of Maradi in Niger.
The airlift was to continue on Saturday and Sunday and were to make between
eight and 10 trips between Ndjamena and Maradi over the weekend, taking 40
tonnes of grain and 28 tonnes of groundnut oil.
"The situation is desperate. Even the limited food that is available has
soared in price, rendering it unaffordable for most families, and there is
no hope of any harvest for at least three months," said Quist.
"Families are feeding their children grass and leaves from the trees to keep
them alive."

Pan-African crisis
But the West African state's situation is not unique - more than 18 million
people are faced with serious food shortages in 10 African countries, a food
security monitoring group said.
The US-funded Famine Early Warning Systems Network said in a report released
late on Tuesday that more than 18 million people in 10 African countries
faced food shortages because of poor rains and high crop prices.
it added that diminishing water supplies and dry pastures were fuelling
conflict among rival tribes, and child malnutrition was reportedly rising in
parts of the Greater Horn of Africa region.
The food shortages were concentrated in Ethiopia, where more than half of
the 18 million affected people live, the report said. At least half of
neighbouring Eritrea's population of 4.5 million was in peril, as well as
2.69 million in Uganda.
Other countries affected include Sudan, Djibouti, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya,
Burundi and Somalia, it said.


Ethiopia's two main opposition groups said on Tuesday that probes into
alleged mass fraud in disputed May elections had been a "total failure" and
accused the government of harrassing witnesses.

The Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) and the United Ethiopian
Democratic Forces (UEDF) told reporters that one witness was killed and 11
others arrested on Sunday after testifying before a panel set up by the
national election board.

The reported killing and arrests in the Meragna district in southern Oromia
region, which could not be independently confirmed, are part of what the
opposition says is a pattern of intimidation of witnesses to alleged fraud
that sparked deadly violence in the capital last month in which at least 37
people were killed.

"In Eastern Gojjam [north of Addis Ababa] almost all our witnesses were
harassed, were given death threats, residences were set on fire and people
beaten," said Gezachew Shiferaw, a CUD official.

He and officials from the UEDF alleged at a joint news conference here that
in addition to the harassment, the election board investigatory panels were
favouring the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front

"The environment in which the panel conducted the investigation was too
flawed to ascertain that there was no vote rigging," said CUD vice
chairperson Berhanu Nega.

"CUD and UEDF strongly believe that the investigation process was a complete
failure," he said in a statement also signed by Beyene Petros, the
vice-chairperson of the UEDF, which said opposition witnesses were being
routinely ignored.

"Ninety percent of our complaints are going in favour of the ruling party,"
Beyene said.

"We are being favoured in only six percent of what we complained [about],
this is one indicator how the Nebe [National Electoral Board of Ethiopia] is
favouring the ruling party."

The two groups, which accuse the EPRDF of trying to steal the May 15 polls,
called for the government and the electoral board to take steps to salvage
probes into alleged fraud in at least 140 of the 523 contested

A spokesperson for the Nebe defended the investigations by saying not all
the probes had been completed and that in at least 10 of the 26 that had
been concluded there was no indication of any partiality by panel members.

In those cases "everything is in line with the agreed terms of reference and
procedural rule of conduct", said the spokesperson, Getahun Amogne.

But Ethiopian government said the opposition had failed to prove the
accusations and accused them plotting to derail the process.

"As they are failing to prove their complaints on the ground and unable to
substantiate their allegations they are simply trying to derail the process.
Their alleged joint statement at a press conference today is nothing [more]
than a face-saving tactic as they are losing the ground in the
investigation," Ethiopia's Information Minister Berekat Simon said.

"As far as we are concerned, the investigation process is going on the right
track and in accordance to the rules of the game. The process is moving as
it is intended to do," Bereket added. -

Source: mail&guardian online


Ce lundi 18 juillet a commencé a Dakar le 4eme forum sur la cooperation
economique entre l'Afrique et les Etats-Unis. Ces rencontres ont lieu dans
le cadre de l'AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act), une directive
devenue loi aux Etats-Unis en Mai 2000 et qui vise a stimuler l'ouverture et
la libéralisation des marchés africains. Cette loi a par là-meme l'objectif
de stimuler les echanges entre l'Afrique et les Etats-Unis.

L'AGOA s'inscrit dans une direction politique classique aux Etats-Unis,
celle soutenant que l'ouverture et la libéralisation des marches, outre
porteuses d'avantages economiques, sont aussi des gages de progres
politiques, car incitant à la bonne gouvernance, à la recherche de
stabilité, à la lutte contre la corruption et à l'assainissement des
depenses publiques. C'est egalement dans cet etat d'esprit qu'a été lancé le
MCA (Millenium Challenge Account), visant à « reduire la pauvrete via la
croissance ».

Environ cent ministres venant de 35 pays africains participeront au forum,
ainsi qu'une importante délégation americaine, dont la Secretaire d'Etat,
Condoleezza Rice.

D'aucuns ont vu cette initiative d'aider l'Afrique via le commerce comme une
maniere pour les Etats-Unis de contrer l'influence européenne sur le
continent, et surtout de s'assurer une source d'approvisionnement sure de
matieres premieres. Parmi les points specifiques abordes durant le forum, la
diversification des exportations africaines sera justement l'un des plus
importants. Les exportations non petrolieres ont une part encore bien trop
faible, et les hausses des echanges bilatéraux ayant augmente concernent
quasi-exclusivement des pays exportateurs de petrole ou d'autres matieres
premieres. Il est ainsi notable que les pays ayant le plus gros volume
d'echanges avec les Etats-Unis sont l'Afrique du Sud, l'Angola et le Nigéria
Ce peloton de tete confirme egalement l'idee d'une offensive pour contrer
l'influence européenne et notamment française sur le continent, etant tous
les trois anglophones.


Il numero 13 di questa newsletter è stato spedito a 12.208 indirizzi, per
segnalazioni e suggerimenti scrivete a segreteria at

Il prossimo numero uscirà:
2 agosto 2005.

Circolo Culturale Africa
via San Spiridione, 5/a
60100 Ancona
Tel. 0712072585
sito web:


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